If you’re feeling like you’ve lost the spark and joy in your coaching business then showing up as a coach can feel like a bit of a slog, especially if you’re heart centered and want to actually enjoy your work and your life!
In this episode of the show we’re looking at different elements of your business where you can review and tweak things, as well as some questions you can ask yourself to invite more enjoyment into your work.
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Remember Why You Started
Most coaches decide to become a coach because they are passionate about helping people and also have a desire to run a business that offers them freedom and flexibility. Whatever your reason for starting a coaching business was, it’s a good idea to reconnect with that initial passion.
It’s normal for this to wane over time the further into your coaching business you go, however, it’s not normal to really not enjoy your business and sometimes we need to be honest with ourselves and decide if we can reach our goals another way.
However, reminding ourselves what it was that attracted us to coaching in the first place can be a powerful way to reconnect with that initial passion and spark.
Connect with Your Values & Version of Success
A business that is ultimately bringing you closer to your version of success while simultaneously allowing you to live out your values and authenticity is going to be enjoyable. Getting clear on your own (not society’s!) version of success and discovering your values can be really helpful exercises in making your business more joyful.
I love Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map and Core Desired Feelings approach, and more recently I’ve become a big fan of To Be Magnetic and their approach to manifestation via identifying your authentic code.
Which Business Tasks Do You Enjoy?
Identifying which aspects of your business spark joy and which ones bring anxiety and negative emotions can be eye opening. While I don’t always believe it’s realistic to outsource all the shit you hate, it makes sense to angle yourself away from the work that isn’t lighting you up and focus more on what is.
Perhaps it’s a particular element of your work with clients, or it’s your current marketing strategy. Maybe you love longer form writing but are currently trying to create short form video and it’s sucking out your soul! Recognising that it’s ok to focus on what you enjoy and doubling down on the strategies that allow you to do that is going to make for a much more fun business overall.
The People You Work With
What I often find as a business coach and mentor for health and life coaches is that coaches can very easily ‘fall out of love’ with their 1:1 client work. Whether it’s the fact that working with people 1:1 can be a strain on your nervous system, that they don’t have sufficient boundaries or that they are simply attracting clients that are ‘difficult’ to work with, who you work with as clients can have a large impact on how enjoyable your business is.
Some coaches choose to focus on attracting the kind of clients they really enjoy working with, or they look at diversifying and scaling their coaching business so they can make more money working less 1:1. Whatever way you choose to tackle it, you can find a way of making your client work more fun and enjoyable.
Do You Need to Re-niche or Pivot?
Sometimes it’s your niche that needs to shift or change. Perhaps you’re no longer enjoying the area of work you’re in, the clients you’re attracting or maybe you just feel a bit bored of it! That’s all ok, you have the option to pivot your niche or to re-niche entirely into a different area that may be more enjoyable for you.
Do You Need Challenges or More Calm?
Some coaches may find that their enjoyment in business is connected to how challenged they feel. Are they learning new things and does their business feel exciting? If that’s you, then looking at how you can try new things and experiment in your business might bring more enjoyment into it. Conversely, the opposite might be true! Perhaps your business will be more enjoyable with less challenge and more consistency and calm.
Sometimes running your business can feel stressful and anxiety producing when your income is inconsistent, so looking at ways to create more recurring income streams in your coaching business could make your business more joyful to operate.
What’s Your Day-to-Day Look Like?
How enjoyable your business is can also be connected to how you’re actually showing up on a day to day basis. Where is your work environment? Are you taking breaks? How are you connecting with others? Do you have enough flexibility? Looking at what you need to thrive on a day to day basis and making sure you’re doing what you need can help everything feel more fun. If there’s specific things you love to do outside of your business that your business can help facilitate then make sure you’re making time for it – for example attending a Wednesday morning yoga class.
Take Time Off
Finally, if you’re feeling like you’ve lost some of the spark in your business maybe you just need a break! No matter how much you love your business and your clients, you still need time off – not just a couple of days here and there but fuller holidays or vacations.
Often it’s the time away from the day to day running of things that gives us the head space to come up with new ideas that inject the fun back into things.
Next Steps
Consider each of the questions and prompts above and make a list of what things you might want to tweak in your coaching business to help it become more enjoyable for you. Remember it’s ok if some of these changes feel quite big – we’re always evolving as humans and your business will need to evolve to, but it’s worthwhile making any changes that are going to bring more joy and fun into your business and your life!
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