Behind the Scenes of my Coaching Business: 2024 Review & 2025 Plans (Income, Lessons Learned, What’s Next)


Behind the Scenes of my Coaching Business: 2024 Review & 2025 Plans (Income, Lessons Learned, What’s Next)


As another year comes to a close it’s time for my annual review and behind the scenes look at what I’ve been up to in business and life – as well as sharing my plans for next year.

I’ve been writing annual review posts for over 12 years ( 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 (not sure where this post has gone!) / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021/ 2022 / 2023) I always love to look back at what happened and share some of my plans for the coming year – looking back on these and it’s been quite a journey!

But now it’s 2024’s turn and it’s been an interesting one!

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2024 Business Review + Income Breakdown

2024 has been quite a transformative year in my business. Back around March time I had what I affectionately call, ‘my business meltdown’ after the start of the year feeling really quite heavy and like things just weren’t working.

Although uncomfortable to experience, it was a really important thing to go through as I ended up making several changes to my business which have created a huge positive shift.

I retired a low ticket membership and changed the structure of my group program Wholehearted Business.

Wholehearted Business had been a 6 month always open group program but I decided to change it to a 12 month long group program – membership hybrid that I would open and close with regular launches.

I launched this new version of the program in May and it was really successful and the cashflow this has helped me create has been a real game changer.

So while the first half of the year got off to a slower start, from May onwards things massively picked up and it’s easily been one of the most successful years I’ve had in business.

My income has been £55K / $70K for the year (although as I write this we’re not quite at the end of the year yet!)

This is broken down into (roughly):

As I work less than 20 hours a week and I’m currently paying myself more than ever and have more profit, I’m really happy with all of these numbers, however it is less than my goal and I’ve had to really look at why I’m not progressing towards that. There are a number of reasons, perhaps an energetic income ceiling, not pushing out of my comfort zone, my current business model still being reliant on 1:1 work and that I’ve had some distracting stuff going on personally.

But I do feel that everything I’ve changed this year is really setting me up for success in 2025 and that I’ve learned some really valuable lessons this year.

Lessons Learned

I have undoubtedly learned a lot of lessons in 2024, so here’s a few of the most profound ones:

I actually like launching – and it works

There’s been a bit of a trend online around going evergreen with everything, however I don’t think that’s always the right strategy and what I have discovered in 2024 is that launching is something that just works better for me, and I actually enjoy the energy of launching too.

Audience and community growth is key

I think I have been banging on about this a lot lately but even more so these days, your business will simply stop growing if you are not continuously and intentionally doing things to grow your audience and community. This year I’ve played with paid ads and participated in several bundles and that has absolutely supported my growth but I need to push that further in 2025.

I need to shift my business model

I know that while so much of my income still comes from time intensive (yet still very enjoyable!) 1:1 work, my income growth is going to be a bit stuck. I do intend to raise my 1:1 mentoring prices at some point in 2025, but I also need to free up time to focus on the audience and community building that is going to support me being able to build up Wholehearted Business which I’d like to be my ‘profit centre’ going forward.

I need to be better prepared going into summer

As a Mum to two school aged children, I like to vastly reduce how much I work over the summer holidays and take several weeks off completely. This year I felt totally unprepared and made a note to myself at the end of the holidays to actually start preparing for that time as early in the year as January so that I can enjoy my time with the kids without feeling like I’m being pulled in lots of different directions.

2024 Life Adventures

Away from business, 2024 has been an adventure-filled year!

I’ve really enjoyed doing more wild swimming, paddle boarding and paddleboard yoga and I’ve had some lovely holidays with my family and friends. It’s just been a really good year with lots of fun things which has been exactly what I needed.

My little girl Freya also started school this year which felt like a big milestone too.

2025 Plans

Looking ahead to 2025, something I’ve recognised from this year is that I can have the tendency to bite off more than I can chew and have too many goals and intentions, so for 2025 I’ve reduced this down and I’m trying to make everything a lot simpler.

This is also part of a pattern I’ve recognised that has shown me how much time I’m spending operating in my masculine energy which is exhausting. Being more intentional about enjoying being in my feminine energy is really important to me this year.

In terms of my business income, I’ve realised that a much more ‘connected’ income goal is being able to pay myself more each month, rather than focusing on an annual income goal. While I’ve been aiming for £70K for a couple of years, I don’t actually need to hit that to be able to pay myself what I want, so I’m kind of aiming for between £60K-£70K in 2025.

Another key goal is around audience growth so I’d like to grow my email list to 7000 subscribers, grow my YouTube Channel to over 1000 subscribers and grow my annual podcast downloads from the average of 6500 to over 10,000 a year.

In 2025, my key offerings in Wholeheartedly Laura will be my 1:1 Mentoring Program (the price of which will be getting nudged up at some point), Wholehearted Business which will open in March and September. All my other bits and pieces but also a new set off offerings I’d like to sell in a funnel – so watch this space for that!

Life wise, I’m just really excited to do more outdoor activities such as wild swimming, hiking and paddleboarding as well as continue to focus on my own health and wellbeing after a large weight loss and refocus on my wellbeing that happened back in 2023.

What’s Next

I’ve got good vibes for what’s coming in 2025, I feel like it’s going to be a significant year and I know that I’ve created an amazing foundation in my business for everything I’d like to build in 2025.

Thanks again to everyone who takes the time to read the blog or watch or listen to the accompanying YouTube video or podcast, I have more great content coming for you in 2025 so stay tuned!

Wishing you all a wonderful festive season and start to 2025!

Laura 💖

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