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Wholehearted Business

A 6 month group and 1:1 coaching programme to help you book more clients and get your marketing shit together

Let me show you exactly what you need to do and when to grow your coaching business so you can enjoy the life you always dreamed of.

Maybe you’ve been thinking lately 🤔…

‘I have no idea what my next step should be to grow my coaching business, get clients and bring all my ideas to life’

You want more clients (maybe your first!), you know you need to build an email list and do stuff on social media but you feel totally overwhelmed by it all – and so you end up doing nothing.

Trust me, I relate. When I first started my health coaching business back in 2012, I had no idea what I was doing, I’d try a bunch of random stuff hoping something would stick and wasted a lot of time (and money) in the process.

But you don’t have to do it that way.

How good would it be to feel like you have an actual strategy that you know is going to work so you always know what you should be focusing on to get more clients and grow your business.

And how supported would you feel if you had your own personal mentor you chat to each and every week to keep you on track?

Can you imagine what your business would look like then?

This is what you get in Wholehearted Business.

How awesome would it be to get clients consistently, grow your email list and online community and market your business in a way that’s more enjoyable and less overwhelming?

heres the thing ⚡️

Most coaching certifications don’t include how to actually make your business work. But when you start a coaching business you aren’t just a coach – you’re a CEO, social media manager, finance manager, marketing executive and more – that’s a lot of bloody hats to wear! No wonder you find it overwhelming and can’t make progress the way you wish you could.

Here’s the solution 🙌🏼

When you have a strategy and a plan to follow it makes everything easier. You know what you need to do and when – and in what order. When you add the support of a mentor into the mix you’ll be unstoppable.

That’s why Wholehearted Business comes with:

have more fun 💖 boost your income 💸 gain more time ⏰ 

1:1 Coaching and Mentoring via Voice and Text Note Support

It’s like having a business mentor (with a lovely Geordie accent) in your back pocket so whenever you get stuck you can always get help. You can message me whenever you want. (if you don’t know what Voxer is it’s this great free walkie talkie app where you can chat back and forth using voice and text messages). These will be a great opportunity to get 1:1 support from me in a really flexible way because you won’t be pinned down to having to show up at a set time.

Co-working sessions

Each month you have the chance to join a two hour coworking session. These are perfect if you want to get shit done with some group accountability or to simply connect with others while working. Coworking sessions are held over Zoom.

Weekly Accountability Check Ins

Every week I’ll check in with you via a personal voice note to make sure things are progressing the way you’d like them to, to help you move through anything that’s keeping you stuck and to help keep you on track. We’ll also have an accountability board so you can commit to taking action and myself or my assistant will check in on you to get it done!

Mindset sessions

Every three months we’ll be holding a specific call just to focus on our mindset. Obviously we can still talk about anything that comes up in our group mastermind calls, but holding this space specifically for mindset work is super important.

Mastermind Group Calls

During your time in Wholehearted Business you’ll be able to join any of our group coaching calls which are scheduled once a month. Mastermind group calls are a great place to get coaching from me and support from the other members. Bring any questions or business decisions to the calls and we’ll help you figure it all out!

New Live Trainings

During Wholehearted Business I’ll be creating and offering several new live trainings. Some will be available outside of the programme while others will be exclusive to the group. 

Mini Challenges

Every few weeks we’ll be running mini challenges in the group to help us stay motivated, take action, try new things and stretch out of our comfort zone. Expect topics like live video, Reels, collaborations etc.

Private Group

The private Voxer group is going to be your fave new place to hangout! Ask me anything, connect with the other members of the programme and share your wins!

Fun extras!

Like discounts on my 1:1 coaching and design services and other little extras I like to throw in now and again!


Get access to my range of Courses and Programmes all designed to help you build your business the Wholehearted Way 

Expand to check out all the courses and programmes included in Wholehearted Business

🏔 WBP Foundations + Roadmap: so from the very start of this programme you know what your next steps should be

💖 Soul Centred Planning Process: Including my cashflow spreadsheets and entire planning system

🙌🏼 Unboxed Guide to Niche and Messaging: To help you get clear on who you help and how, without having to feel boxed in

Pinterest Magic: everything you need to know about using Pinterest to get more traffic and build your email list

🎉 Enchanting Challenges: a step by step guide to running your own profitable challenges for list building and launching

💌 Email Lists for the win: how to set up an email list, an automated sequence, design a free opt in and actually build your list too!

🖥  Blog School: the complete guide to create blog based marketing content for your coaching business and then using it to create content for social media too

📱 Facebook + Instagram Ads training: how to create FB + IG ads to get leads and sales

📌 Social Media Marketing: An overview of the different social media platforms and their pros and cons, deciding on which platform is right for you

👯‍♀️ Creating your 1:1 offerings: a guide on crafting the perfect 1:1 package

🚀  Launching something new in your business: How to launch anything new in your business (like a podcast or new website)

🤩 Quick guide to Tripwires: an easy guide to setting up your own tripwire offer

🥰 Client Attraction Strategies: How to get more clients the easy way

💥 Priceless Power Hours: how to craft the perfect power hour offer and use it to get more full package 1:1 clients

💘 Wholehearted: my self care course


📎Tech Tutorials (you’ll find any tech tutorials you might request in here)

OVER £1500 in value!


If access to all this stuff feels a bit overwhelming, don’t worry!

The programme includes key milestones to help you take (the right) action so you’re always moving your business forward.

what people say

‘I now have six 1:1 clients thanks to Laura’s help’

I joined the business group to surround myself with women who I aspired to be like. 

I wanted to create a belief system that it was possible to live a life making money out of what I do. I really appreciated the personal notes and encouragement to join calls, at my best they remind me what I can achieve.

Thanks to Laura’s help I put an offer out and had three clients book me which increased my confidence no end!

Kirsten Davies – The Food Remedy

I was attracted to work with Laura as I have been following her for awhile and I love  how easy she breaks things down and hand hold you through the process. 

Without being in the programme I would be stuck doing “safe” things in business like tweaking my website instead of getting out there and speaking to potential clients. I needed support and guidance as I was not getting anywhere in my business. 

Now I‘m more confident and proactive to do things. Previously I was losing money but last year, I had more clients!

Marisa Sim – Reset Mama Coach

I decided to join the programme as I was looking for some help with building my confidence and my business and having worked through some of Laura’s training before I liked the way she worked and her coaching. I felt like I needed a bit of a boost and mentoring.

Being a part of this group has been so helpful in keeping me on track with building up my coaching and personal training business.

I love the co-working sessions which have helped me knuckle down and get work done that I’ve been putting off! And the Mastermind group calls are always amazing for talking about things and bouncing ideas off of other people and also being able to help each other.

Laura and Everyone in the group is so supportive and having Laura there for any questions is great whether you’re feeling stuck on a technical issue or a mindset issue.

Since joining I’ve got more confidence in talking about and selling my services which has resulted in me getting three new clients because of that!

Jo Wilkes – Health Coach

Working with Laura over the past year has been really helpful and inspiring. It’s allowed me to stay on track, and stay accountable to myself in my business.

The modules and one to one calls were very educational and also Laura is just a lovely coach to work with. It’s really helped me be honest with myself on where I am in my business and clarity on how to move forward. Thank you Laura!

Chantelle O’Connor – Inner Mother Mentor

does this sound like you?

You’re a heart centred human who wants to build a coaching business that makes a difference, generates an income and gives you more time and freedom



You’re really struggling to get clients and make your business more profitable.


Sometimes you struggle with confidence in yourself, your niche and what you offer. You find yourself looking at that other coaches Instagram a little bit too often and all the comparison is making you shrink inside.


You know you need to grow an email list and build a community but you aren’t really sure how to get more subscribers.


You feel paralysed by impostor syndrome and ‘who are you’ to be doing what it is you want to do.


You get stuck when it comes to the ins and outs of marketing your business. You have no clear strategy for getting clients and customers other than posting a few quotes on Instagram (and then not posting for weeks) and hoping on a prayer it will land you a client.


You feel like you’re always doing ‘stuff’ *gestures wildly* in your business but without any clear strategy. It feels like you’re throwing spaghetti against the wall hoping some of it sticks.


The idea of selling your thing makes you feel icky, uncomfortable and anxious.


You know you’re consistently under charging but you really struggle to raise your prices because you worry no one will pay a higher price.

If any of this resonates with you and you’re nodding your head I get it! I’ve felt this way with many of these things over the 10 years I’ve been in business. When I learned to integrate what I like to think of as the more practical and magical elements of running a business – I figured out what it is to create a business that is truly wholehearted.

One where your business gets to show up for you as much as you show up for your business.

Ready to get confident, clear and consistent so you can create that business and life you’ve been visioning for yourself?

how would it feel to…

Get more clients (who pay your full price!)

Let’s help you book more of your dream clients who actually pay your full price. No more discounting on discovery calls and second guessing your value as a coach.

Build your online community (and have fun while doing it!)

Let’s build your email list and social media following so you can connect with more people. Let’s figure out a content marketing strategy that feels fun and aligned – and that doesn’t take you hours and hours every week!

Feel supported (by someone who gets it)

Whether it’s Laura or the other group members – we all get what it’s like to run a coaching business. Wholehearted Business is a place you can feel fully supported through all the highs and lows of running a business. No more getting the well intentioned but unqualified feedback of family and friends, get actual professional support from someone who’s been there, done that and bought the (stripy bretton) t-shirt.

Ready to create your Wholehearted Business?

This 6 month 1:1 and group based coaching and mentoring program will help you grow your coaching business and get shit done!

Get 1:1 support, mastermind calls, Facebook group, weekly accountability check ins and access to multiple trainings as part of the Wholehearted Business Framework. In total the programme includes over £3000 worth of support.

Investment: £997 pay in full / £197 x 6 monthly payments

Also available in USD – $1247 / $247 x 6

Interested in joining us?

Please complete the application form below and I’ll get back to you soon!

what people say

Before I joined the programme I had been spinning my wheels in my business and wanted a program that would help me take action, move forward and get things done. I kind of knew what needed to do, but I just wasn’t doing it. I was also feeling a bit isolated, and knew that a group program where I could share struggles and wins with other new coaches would be motivating and inspiring.

Since starting the group I’ve completed things that I’ve been procrastinating on for ages, such as an email welcome sequence, and a small digital product. I’ve tried new things such as sharing a video with my email subscribers, which is something I never thought I’d do. Laura pushed me out of my comfort zone, and as a result I feel more confident, and am excited about future possibilities in my business.

Liann Hughes Kruger – A Lovely Year

When I started Wholehearted Business I was feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start. I was struggling with how to build my list and what to post on social media in terms of a strategy to build my business.

Being part of the programme has been invaluable in having a safe space to get feedback or to ask questions as well as getting support with technical stuff such as website issues.

I’ve run challenges that have gained me clients. I’ve grown my list. I’ve grown in confidence to do things like making video content. I generally feel more positive about my business by having the support. Having your knowledge and skills on tap in the FB group has also probably saved me hours trying to sort out tech stuff!

Kerry Taylor – Menopause Coach

Before Wholehearted Business I didn’t know where to begin when it came to marketing, blogging or putting myself out there. I didn’t know anything about social media marketing or how to build up an email list or how to sell my coaching package or even make one in the first place!

Laura has been so helpful and shared so many resources with me and I have learnt so many new skills along the way. I didn’t ever imagine I would be able to do half the things I have done. I loved the voxer days. I felt I was able to ask Laura anything about my business and the things I was getting stuck with, no matter how small they were! Laura spoke me through every step I needed to take in order to get tasks done that I was stuck with.

I have loved being part of a group of ambitious and supportive women. I’ve never had the chance to meet women like this before and I am so glad that I was part of the group. I have made a couple of friends out of it too and it’s nice to see women supporting other women and wanting them to win!

I now know what I need to do to build up an online community, build up an email list and how to attract clients. I’ve learnt a lot of skills from this course from creating freebies to graphics on Canva, managing my website and how to structure a blog post etc. I have definitely developed more confidence from this business group and I am glad that I was able to be part of a group of wonderful women!

Hollie Robertson – Health and Wellness Coach

is this right for you?

Wholehearted Business is perfect for you if:


You want a supportive container while you do the work to grow your business. This is a great programme if you’re ready to focus on implementation and getting stuff done. Yes, there are multiple courses and programmes available so the learning opportunities are there, but this is very much an action oriented programme where we get into the nuts and bolts of making things happen.


You feel excited about the energy of being part of a small community and still being able to get 1:1 support. This is a group programme with the additional benefit of flexible 1:1 support via voice and text note.


You’re ready to get some strategy and structure in place in your business – so you can grow your audience and sell more of your stuff!


You want to access a mix of 1:1 and group based support – This programme is a great option if you’re not quite in the right place for 1:1 coaching package (maybe that’s a time thing or a budget thing) but you know you need that support to move your business forward.


You already have a website for your business. If you don’t, and you’re looking for support with this then I might be able to help – let me know!


You’re ready to expand and uplevel your mindset too this isn’t just about the strategy and structure, it’s also about embracing your authenticity and leadership too.

What working with me is lke

”The time I’ve spent with Laura has been the best investment I’ve made in my business!”

Hi there

I’m Laura Agar Wilson

I started this online business thing back in 2012 when I trained as a health coach. Fast forward nearly 10 years and two babies 👧🏻👦🏼 and I’m a Business Mentor, Course Creator and Designer.

Starting my coaching business changed my life. I want starting your coaching business to change your life too 💖

I live in Durham in the North East of England with my husband James and my son and daughter. I love all things hygge 🍂 have an interest in tech, systems and organisational 💻 stuff but also I’m big on the woo, energy and alignment are my thing ✨

You might be wondering what makes Wholehearted Business different to every other business programme out there so let me explain:

I work with wholehearted humans – I’m not about the hustle or doing things in business that don’t feel aligned for you. I believe in success in business being about more than ‘6 Figures’, I’m all about helping you achieve your version of success. I’ve also been in your shoes, I’ve ran a coaching business before so I really do get what it’s like. But more than anything, I really do care – I care that your business works, I care that you feel supported and I care that you get real results too. 

The finer details:

When are the mastermind calls / co working sessions held? – All group calls are held on Tuesdays and rotate between 9am and 7pm UK time to serve a range of time zones. Two group calls are scheduled a month at each of these times to ensure you can access at least one of the calls a month. Group Mastermind calls will last around 60 – 90 minutes. Co working sessions are held once a month on a Tuesday at 1pm UK time and run for 2 hours. All are held over Zoom and recordings of the mastermind calls are uploaded to the programme area. See the FAQs for time zone info if you’re not in the UK.

The trainings will be accessed via a dedicated programme area. When you join the programme you’ll create an account to access everything. 

When you join the programme you’ll be asked to complete an onboarding questionnaire so I can best understand how to support you.

The programme is structured with a range of trainings, resources and cheatsheets as well as a set of milestones to help you navigate your way through the programme so you get results. It’s also progressive, so even if you have a lot of things already in place, there’s a next step that is going to help you uplevel, tweak or improve what you currently have in place.

Ready to create your Wholehearted Business?

This 6 month 1:1 and group based coaching and mentoring program will help you grow your coaching business and get shit done!

Get 1:1 support, mastermind calls, Facebook group, weekly accountability check ins and access to multiple trainings as part of the Wholehearted Business Framework. In total the programme includes over £3000 worth of support.

Investment: £997 pay in full / £197 x 6 monthly payments

Also available in USD – $1247 / $247 x 6

Interested in joining us?

Please complete the application form below and I’ll get back to you soon!


When does the programme start?

Wholehearted Business is always open, your start date is your start date basically and everyone in the programme begins their own 6 month journey from when they join.

What is your refund / cancelation policy?

When purchasing this programme the expectation should be that you’re in it for the full 6 months. However I understand that life happens and if you need to cancel you just need to give 30 days notice. If for any reason you are unhappy with the programme you can get a no questions asked refund in the first 14 days.

How is this different to your 1:1 mentoring?

My Thrive 1:1 programme is £2250 for a 16 week package. 1:1 coaching / mentoring is always the quickest most intensive way of working with me and getting results. But I know not everyone is ready for 1:1 mentoring (financially or otherwise). This 6 month container is designed to offer people high touch support to grow their business at a lower than intensive 1:1 only cost.

If you’re further on in your business (you run your coaching business full time and you know you could work at a pace that means you could achieve a lot in 4 months) then definitely check out my 1:1 offer. 

If you’re earlier in your business journey or you know you simply prefer a gentler pace and less intensive experience but still need a high touch level of support then the Wholehearted Business Programme is for you.

Not quite sure? Book a free 30 minute chat with me here!

Can I stay in the programme longer than 6 months?

Yes! At the end of the initial 6 months if you feel you’d benefit from being in the programme longer you can rejoin on a rolling basis with an alumni 35% discount.

How long can I access the training resources?

You will have access to the trainings and resources until you end your time in the programme.

I'm not in the UK, will I still be able to access the calls?

The call times are as follows:

Group Mastermind Call 1 (Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand friendly)- Tuesdays: 9am GMT / 10am Central European Time / 6pm Korea Standard Time / 8pm Australian Eastern Time

Group Mastermind Call 2 (Europe, US friendly) – Tuesdays: 7pm GMT / 8pm Central European Time / 2pm Eastern / 1pm Central Time / 11am Pacific Time

Mindset Calls and Co Working – Tuesdays: 1pm GMT / 2pm Central European Time / 8am Eastern Time / 7am Central Time / 5am Pacific Time

*obviously these might shift with daylight savings etc

The value and price of the programme is based on attending one of the group calls a month so we have two time slots which serve as best I can, people in the east and west. For the mindset and co working, it is tricky to time these for everyone and to also be around for my family so at the moment that’s the best I can do. However if you’re worried about making the calls do get in touch and I’ll see what I can work out!

How are you qualified to lead this programme?

I have over 10 years experience in running a successful online business alongside 5 years professional experience supporting social enterprises with their growth and development. I have a BA in Art and Design and an MA in Community Work. I have trained as a Health Coach with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I also have training in NLP, CBT and Reiki, all of which I use to inform my work. I’ve had two recipe books published, had my work featured in places such as The Times, the BBC and Channel 4. Most importantly clients of mine go on to grow a successful business, check out my testimonials above for info on this.

Can you guarantee results?

Unfortunately it’s impossible to guarantee anyone’s results in this programme. However on looking at your onboarding form if I don’t believe it’s possible to get you results I’ll let you know and invite you to save your investment.

How does the payment plan work?

You will be charged each month (on or around the same date you sign up on) for a total of 6 instalments. Payments are processed securely via Stripe.

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