Recipe: Raw Salted Caramel Sauce

dips, sides, dressings, recipes, sweet treats

Recipe: Raw Salted Caramel Sauce

dips, sides, dressings, recipes, sweet treats


More than chocolate, peanut butter, chocolate and peanut butter together, ice cream and cake, I LOVE salted caramel. I don’t know what it is about the stuff, but it makes me go nuts. The way that the salt brings out the caramel flavour is just incredible. Then the texture, mmm, it just begs to be drizzled all over everything!

I have had shop bought salted caramel sauces, which are filled with refined sugar. That’s fine of course, but I found those versions would send me into a frenzy followed by a sugar coma come down. I wanted to create a salted caramel sauce that was all natural which I could enjoy without feeling like a mad woman. I had created a salted caramel sauce before as part of my grain free Caramel Apple Cake recipe (which FYI, is awesome). That used coconut milk, but this time I wanted to try something different. This recipe being mostly raw is just a bonus! 

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Food porn shot! This is perfectly drizzle-able – I know that’s not a word but it is now. I’m sure other people have posted a recipe the same as this, it is just four ingredients after all, but I still wanted to share this as it is just so good!


This is perfect for so many different meals, I’ve had it drizzled on yoghurt bowls, on top of oats, mixed into hot chocolate, poured into coffee, slapped on to a smoothie in a bowl, and of course it’s perfect for dipping apple slices:


Stored in a jar in the fridge, it should last a couple of weeks, but I doubt it will last that long!


Are you a salted caramel fan? Does the sweet and salty thing do it for you? 

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  1. Tamzin

    Hmmmmmm I need this in my life! Sounds amazing : )

  2. Claire @ Flake and Cake

    This looks absolutely gorgeous Laura, I’m so excited you posted the recipe – I’ve been eagerly anticipating it since you first mentioned it a few days ago :)

    • Laura

      You’ll have to let me know if you try it!

  3. Karina

    I’m as nutz over this fabo combo(I make something similar) as you are, Laura!

  4. Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    Oh.YUM. I’m a complete sucker for salted caramel as well, and I love the ingredients in this. Thanks for sharing, girl!

  5. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Salted caramel ANYTHING is heavenly. I’m not sure I could put that stuff in a jar and tuck it away. I’d probably gobble it up fairly promptly. I remember when I was growing up there was a caramel spread for toast and I used to put it on a rich tea biscuit and then pop another one on top to make a mini caramel sandwich. I have never seen that caramel spread anywhere since. Probably best I guess…but your recipe sounds very saintly!

    • Laura

      Mmm love the idea of a caramel spread! This does kind of go like a spread before you add the extra water in. Might have to make it again like that!

  6. Maria @ runningcupcake

    That sounds amazing!
    I have got more into caramel recently, but I do prefer it thick- I don’t like the really runny stuff.

    • Laura

      I like it to have the drizzle quality, but not watery, ick!

  7. Kate

    About a month ago I ate an entire jar of salted caramel ice-cream sauce over about three days. I felt terrible but it was so delicious. This is happening this weekend!

    • Laura

      Haha been there ;-) yep, I think you could eat all of this but would still feel (relatively) ok cause its all full of goodness!

  8. Emma

    I love the salty-sweet thing! I’m dying to make your salted PB granola :)
    This looks so so good, especially as a dip for apples.

  9. sonja@vesenmork

    I actually can’t remember if I ever have tried the salted caramel combination. Only means I will have to try your sauce. It does sound and look very good.

    • Laura

      oh do let me know what you think if you make it!



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