The Super Conscious Living Programme is currently on sale for £4.99 down from £7.99. If you really want to connect with what works for your body this programme is for you! The feedback from other women who have gone through the programme has seriously blown me away…
‘I’ve still not gained any weight (which as you remember was my big worry about not constantly being on a ‘diet’). Honestly, Super Conscious Living has changed my relationship with both myself and food….thank you! x’
I’ll be kicking off a group starting the first few days of January on the closed Super Conscious Living Programme Facebook Page where you’ll get support from not only me, but the others who have already gone through the programme. Find out more and purchase via PayPal here.
The 12 Weeks to Feeling Fabulous Course has start dates every week in January. I am so excited about this course, I’ve put everything into the content for this and I really feel I have created something different to everything else out there. This is a fad diet free way to get healthy, lose weight and yes, feel fabulous! It’s currently on sale with 25% off for just £29.99 for the whole 12 weeks of emails, resources and support.
Find out more and purchase with PayPal here.
Hope you enjoy the last weekend of 2013!