As I said in my recap of 2013 I have a strange gut feeling that 2014 is going to be a really good year. I have no idea why I feel it, but I do. My whole approach to this year is vastly different to years gone past. I am a very goal orientated person, but as I’ve found with my monthly goals, they started to become more of a stress generator than something positive in my life.
Over the last few months I’ve had a bit of a revelation. I don’t talk too much about my spiritual side here on the blog, but it’s a part of me that is getting stronger and more developed. What I’ve come to realise is that I have always lived in the future, anticipating what is to come next, meticulously planning what I wanted to happen. That has been turned on it’s head the last few years. If you had asked me 5 years ago how my life would be now I would have said I would be living in a house with a couple of kids and probably still working in a local authority job. Well the universe has had different plans for me! Given the housing market crash, the option of us moving out of our one bed flat is out (well not impossible just highly unlikely), which of course impacts on having children, not to mention my hormonal issues. As for my job, if you had told me 5 years ago I’d be running my own business centred around healthy living I would have told you to f**k off in the same way that Seth Rogen does in Knocked Up. Thinking about 5 years ago, that was when I made the decision to get healthy and lose weight, and since I haven’t shared a before and after pic for a while here we go:
Sometimes I really need to remind myself how far I’ve come. 5 years since I started on this journey and just over 4 years since I reached a healthy weight!
So yep, life has taken rather a different path than I’d anticipated, however I look at where I am now and I’m happy. I adore our little flat, James is a truly wonderful partner in crime and there’s no hole in our lives where we need a child to fill it. If that happens then great, if not, well there’s plenty more wonderful things in life.
For the first time I can remember I have no set ‘life goals’ for 2014. I do have some smaller things on a wish list of sorts, but the focus for me this year is to live in the now and put my trust in the universe that whatever happens will happen. I have been having a look at the free Do What You Love New Year Revolution Kit for a bit of fun though. I’m not anti goals, for most people I think they are really motivational and perhaps better than the traditional resolution. I generally think that if you want something to happen you have to make it happen, but for where I am now, thinking of things in a more relaxed way is better. The time may come when I need to start being proactive on those life goals, but for this year it’s all about going with the flow. I may have to get the big guns out in 2015 though ;-)
Instead of a big goal, I’m setting a theme for 2014: ‘enjoy the ride’. That seems to encompass the way I’m feeling at the moment and the focus on living in the now and letting the future take care of itself.
Saying that, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t have a few little things on my wish list!
- A trip away – preferably abroad, hopefully somewhere sunny!
- More tattoos
- Build more muscle and strength
- Run 5k
- Be almost completely employed through Uniquely Healthy (eek!)
- Finish my Clinical Nutrition course
- Build my savings so I have more financial stability
- Finally get my hormonal problems fixed
The biggie there is of course the business stuff. Being almost completely employed through Uniquely Healthy (it’s likely I would still have a few hours of work in my current part time role) would be a dream come true. I have a post all about my journey developing Uniquely Healthy and the Feel Good Factory coming soon. Unlike other areas of my life, I’ve actually approached the business stuff quite differently. Apart from in the very beginning, I’ve had no set ‘master plan’, I’ve been very intuitive about what I do – the Super Conscious Living Programme is an example of that. I have no idea where that came from, it was not planned really, it just seemed to flow out of me!
Looking shorter term, like many of us I would like to refocus on my nutrition and exercise, firstly to get a bit of my sparkle back as I’m feeling energy sapped from Christmas indulgences, and yes, to be able to fit into my jeans comfortably again! The challenge for me is not to go into ‘all or nothing’ mode, something I talk about more in this months newsletter coming out next week. I also find January a very hard month generally as the combination of the post Christmas slump and the craptastic weather doesn’t do me any favours. With all that in mind my pledge for January is to Dial it up not diet!
Dialling it up for me simply means doing more of the things that add to my health and reducing the things that take away from it. I talk more about the whole concept of dialling it up in my manifesto if you have no idea what I’m on about! Basically I am going to follow along with the actions in the 12 weeks to Feeling Fabulous course as I know they work really well. At the same time I’m going to be using some of the tools from the Super Conscious Living Programme (which are similar to a couple of ones in the 12 week course) to help me stay focused. I am going to be reducing a few things back including refined sugar, cows milk dairy and some denser carbs – I’ll talk a bit about that in the January free e guide – however, I am not excluding them I am reducing them. Key difference for me right there. I’m also going to increase my workouts a little. I’m enjoying getting back into running, and without setting any unobtainable goals, it would be nice to start running once a week.
As for here on the blog January is going to be a really kick ass month, I’ve got several giveaways lined up (don’t forget to check out the giveaway I posted yesterday!) and I have loads of great stuff including super healthy recipes, practical tips and ideas and inspiration! If you are new to the blog check out my About page to find out more about me and subscribe to my free monthly newsletter to get a copy of my Alternative Healthy Living Manifesto. Don’t forget to stop by my recipe page too! You can follow me using the links below, and if you enjoy what you read here please share it with others you feel will benefit from my approach to healthy living.
I’m sure that 2014 is going to be awesome, I’m ready to make sure January is the best ever kick start for it!
Do you have any specific plans for January? What is your theme for 2014?
Admirable goals! My goals are vested in Pure Capitalism, so I do have that future approach and don’t really live very much in the moment. I let my dog do that for us. ;) … as far as a specific goal is concerned, I created a new blog which discusses it. It’s about Finding My Yoga again. And I will be reading my favourite blogs more consistently! Thanks for a vibrant post!
Lovely to hear that your business is going so well! I wish I could do yoga like you, hope you enjoy doing it again :-)
I LOVE your dress in that picture – you look great and so healthy and happy :)
I think I am approaching the year quite similar to you in an ‘enjoy the ride’ type fashion as last year was pretty stressful with finals. My main goal is, accordingly, to be more mindful and take the time to step back now and again and appreciate where I am. Tomorrow (!) I leave for Buenos Aires and the nerves are kicking in but I keep trying to reassure myself it will all be okay in the end, feel the fear and do it anyway right?! :)
Wishing you luck and happiness for 2014 xxx
Thanks Pip :-) Hope you have a great time in Buenos Aires – and yes, feel the fear and do it anyway, you will be great!
I have the same good feeling about 2014 :)
I’m not one to make resolutions either — too much pressure. I start feeling like I need to wake up on January 1st and be a completely perfect person, which is totally unrealistic. Instead, I like to have a word or phrase that motivates me and sets my mindset for the entire year… this year it’s “treat yourself like something that matters.” 2014 will be a year to work on more self-care and self-confidence.
Love that, it sounds like a great way to think about yourself for the year, I think most people could do with thinking that way more :-) All the best for 2014!
I love the idea of enjoying the ride- although it makes me think of the song at the end of Hairspray (which I love)- it’s like the journey being the important thing, not the destination.
I think I need a theme like “calm” maybe for this year.
Have a great year!
Hope you have a wonderful, and calm, year! xx
With all the changes coming up this year, going along for the ride seems like a good plan! I’m excited to see what happens as the year continues!
Hope you have an amazing 2014 Sarah!
I start the New Year like you, with some small things I want to achieve and that’s it. More often than not the little things make me happier than the big things anyway!
I think leaving it up to the universe can be a much better thing; that way you get constant surprises, you’re forced to take chances, live with no regrets and just go with whatever life throws at you. I did my first year in that mindset in 2013 and I hope 2014 is just as much fun for me.
And the comparison photos are incredible. You must be so proud of where you are right now; physically and, more importantly, mentally.
Well done, Laura. I hope 2014 is fantastic for you.
Thanks Alex :-) I think you are right, I love the way you’ve described leaving it up to the universe, it feels like more of an adventure that way I think! Hope you have an amazing 2014!
It’s funny because my life is pretty much exactly how I would have thought when I was younger…married, living in a small house, dog… just never sorry the explosion of running love but that’s about it. I have no idea though for the next few years. I’m sure a small person might happen at some point but no where in the near future for definite!
I think you’re goals and how things have turned out are really great – you sound very happy :)
That’s lovely that things have worked out just how you wanted them to be for you :-) I think running is your ‘baby’ for the moment! Hope you have a great 2014!
I just want to have a year filled with fun! I have decided to go Vegan for January just because of all the rich foods I have been eating!!
Hope you enjoy your vegan January – definitely on board with having a year filled with fun, life is too short!
Great goals Laura. You only have to look at that before and after picture to see how much you achieve when you are determined too – I have every faith you will achieve everything you set your mind to! Here’s to a happy, healthy 2014!
Thanks Claire! Hope you have a great 2014!
I’m very much the same in that I don’t set new years resolutions as in the past I always fail. I do however like to have a little list of things that I would like to accomplish to keep me going. Whether I achieve or not, we will see. It’s no biggy if I don’t, there is a lifetime ahead of me…I hope! :-) My theme for 2014 would be to forget perfectionism and live for the moment more.
I think that living for the moment is a huge theme from what I’ve been reading, it’s quite nice to see so many of us trying to live that way. Hope you have a wonderful 2014 :-)
I have a feeling 2014 is going to be my best year yet…so excited! :)
You look totally fab now Laura. I know I say this a lot but you are seriously glowing and it’s just lovely to see all the time :)
I agree with making goals for the year as opposed to resolutions. That saying, I live my life making goals along the way as things change and I suddenly decide that I want do ‘x’ or something. 2014 is all about accepting change for me. It will all be exciting but I know I have always struggled with change but I feel like I’m a much stronger person to do so now, especially because all this change is for a better future doing what I love :)
It sounds like you have some amazing things coming up! I think change can often be hard, but as you say you are a much stronger person, I think just going with the flow and being as flexible as possible is a good way to go. All the best for 2014 Nicky! xxx
I am away with work for three weeks of January, so I’m going to find it hard to set tasks for this month, but I do aim to run three times a week with Jantastic and do something active each day with janathon.
Hope you have a great January! Enjoy the running :-)
Love this post! I love the idea of enjoying the ride for 2014 – I hope its a great one for us all! x
Me too! Have a great year Lily! xx
Nice goals, good luck for 2014!