Now that a brand new year has arrived some of you in your later years might be starting to think about retirement. If it’s not you, it could be your parents that are getting ready to retire. Today I have a guest post about how technology can help to give you a healthier, happier retirement.
Five ways being tech savvy can help your retirement
With smart phones, Wi-Fi and touchscreens now everywhere we look, it’s easy to feel like technological advances are accelerating at a rapid pace.
As we get older, it can be all too easy to ignore these advances and the innovations they bring with them. However, technology isn’t just for the young and keeping up to date with all of the latest advances can actually have a positive impact on your retirement.
If you’re still unconvinced about the iPad or unimpressed by the Wii, here are five ways that technology can have a positive impact on your retirement.
1. Staying connected with friends and family
If your friends and family are spread out across the country or even the globe, technology is a fantastic and affordable way to stay in touch. Video software applications like Skype are easy to use and free to run, allowing you to talk face-to-face with loved ones no matter where they are in the world. And though features like webcams and microphones may seem confusing, in reality it probably won’t take you more than five or ten minutes to get the hang of them.
2. Finding great online deals
Though a lot of retired people prefer to do their shopping in town, there is something to be said for comparing prices and products online to find the best deals. Everything from books to the weekly grocery shop can often be found cheaper by searching the web, and what’s more, everything is delivered straight to your door.
3. Keeping up to date with community news
If you’re active in your local community, local club or organisation, the internet is a great way to keep up to date with all of the latest news and events. Joining Facebook is a great way to keep in the loop, with most large businesses and organizations having a profile. For example, if you live in a McCarthy & Stone retirement community, you can keep up to date with all of the latest information by checking McCarthy & Stone’s Facebook page.
4. Accessing online resources
In the UK around 6 million over 65s have never even used the web and this means that a lot of retired people are missing out on information, offers and resources. By taking the time to learn a few computer basics you can open up a whole world of resources, from information on your favourite hobby to advice on making the most of your retirement finances.
5. Keeping active
If you thought that computer games were just for the young, think again. These days a lot of consoles have games specially designed for older people, which can help to keep you active both mentally and physical while being a lot of fun. Technology is often perceived to be baffling among older people who did not grow up with gizmos and gadgets, but with a little time and tuition you too can become tech savvy, offering you a more enjoyable retirement as a result.
It’s quite amazing what you can do through using technology nowadays and I think it’s great to see so many older and wiser people on sites like Facebook! How do you stay connected with friends and family who are retired?
*post in partnership with McCarthy and Stone
My Dad is on facebook (although I don’t think he ever looks on there) and Andy’s Dad is on twitter- although I think he literally just follows Andy and his brothers- he sometimes tweets a photo home when we are on holiday or something like that.