Recipe: Coconut and Lime Chia Pudding

recipes, sweet treats

Recipe: Coconut and Lime Chia Pudding

recipes, sweet treats

Coconut and lime chia pudding 1

Chia seeds seem to be having a moment right now. When I first started blogging over 4 years ago, they were a very hard to find ‘weird raw food’. Now you can even find them in Tescos! Chia seeds popularity is no doubt due to their impressive range of health benefits which include:

  • High in omega 3 fatty acids
  • A good source of protein
  • High in fibre
  • Can help you feel fuller for longer
  • Support blood sugar balance
  • Packed with vitamins and minerals such as calcium

Chia seeds don’t really have much of a taste. They can be eaten dry as a tiny seed that can be sprinkled on foods like salads or yoghurt, added to smoothies or stirred into porridge. They can also be soaked in a liquid as they will absorb several times their weight. This makes them a very hydrating food, and enables them to take on some flavour.

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The texture of chia pudding can take some getting used to, but I love it! I find it quite like a mousse with some texture, but if you don’t like the idea of the little swollen seeds, just blend the pudding until it becomes smooth in a blender or food processor.

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The possibilities are endless when it comes to how chia pudding can be flavoured and the ingredients that can be used, but for this recipe I decided to go super summery with coconut and lime! This recipe would be great for breakfast served with additional berries, or as a delicious dessert.

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The basic 1/4 cup of chia to 1/2 – 3/4 cup of liquid recipe can be used in a number of ways. It might take a little practice to get the ratios right depending on your ingredients, for example if you add cocoa powder to make it chocolately, be sure to add some extra liquid. 

Have you tried chia seeds yet? 

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  1. Sharon Pickles

    Thanks so much for this post – this is very timely for me as I’ve been wondering what Chia seeds are and what to do with them; they are everywhere on the blogosphere. I had been hunting for them in my local supermarkets with no luck, but they are quite small ones.

    • Laura

      Glad this has been useful for you Sharon! Hope you find them soon!

  2. Lucy

    Thanks for the recipe- I tried to make chia pudding once but it didn’t turn out well, I think I used the wrong ratio of seeds to milk. Plus I used dairy milk, I don’t know if that is right…
    I’ll give it another try using your recipe :-)

    • Laura

      Hope it works out for you, I do think it’s trial and error! I’m sure diary milk should be fine though x

  3. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    It’s funny I literally did a double-take when I saw chia seeds in Tescos the other day. No longer will I have to get them from Amazon! Hurrah.
    I have a teaspoon in my porridge every morning and it makes it so thick and lovely. I was sold on their amazing qualities when I read ‘Born to Run’ (I’m such a sucker for stuff like that – something can help me run faster and longer?? I must buy!).
    I’ve never tried chia pudding though. This looks delicious.

    • Laura

      Haha, I know it’s brilliant that we can get stuff like that in the supermarket now!

  4. Nics Notebook

    Oooh will have to give this a try – love coconut & zesty flavours together… And chia seeds now in Tesco?! Fab :)

    • Laura

      Yep, with the wholefoods bit, enjoy!

  5. Tamzin

    Yes and I love them! This sounds awesome and the pictures are fab, love it x

  6. Lauren (@PoweredbyPB)

    This looks amazing, love the flavour combo. I am a big chia fan, I use them daily in smoothies/oats or chia pudding. I love them pre long run.

    • Laura

      I haven’t had them in oats for a while, must remember to give them a try!

  7. Claire @ Flake and Cake

    Great pictures Laura! I’m a fan of chia seeds but don’t have them a huge amount, maybe I need to try a pudding!

    • Laura

      Thanks Claire! Definitely give a pudding a try – add cocoa too it!

  8. Maria @ runningcupcake

    I tried them after reading Born to Run- they seem to have good proteins in there.
    I like them in porridge- I have a tbs in my porridge each morning as they make it nice and thick, and soak up lots of the milk. I am not such a fan of the puddings, but maybe I should try blending them in future.

    • Laura

      Yep I do need to try a blended version sometime just to see what it’s like!

  9. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    I love chia seeds, one of my favourite dessert ingredients. The combination of coconut and lime makes me want to be somewhere tropical.

  10. Mary

    I only recently tried chia seeds, whilst at the London Marathon expo last month. I can’t say I was a fan of the texture, but I’m open to trying them again in the future!



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