Chilli chocolate strawberry smoothie + introducing the froothie

recipes, smoothies

Chilli chocolate strawberry smoothie + introducing the froothie

recipes, smoothies

Title chilli chocolate strawberry smoothie 4

As I was saying at the weekend, last week I had the pleasure of a full on head cold. It was not pretty! One thing that did help was consuming a load of healthy foods including chilli. I love to eat chilli when I feel bunged up, it’s an excellent way to decongest more naturally. I would have usually made my cold busting smoothie, but with only a handful of ingredients available, I made a new version which I think I might like even like better! Whether you need an immune boost or not, this smoothie is truly delicious. It would also be a great metabolism booster due to the action of the chilli.

Chilli chocolate strawberry smoothie 1

Making the smoothie was a great opportunity to put my favourite new kitchen tool to use, the Froothie. Now I thought nothing would be able to come between me and my Vitamix but I was wrong.

Domestic Blenders The OPTIMUM 9400 Not Just a Blender Try it FREE 30 Days Money Back Guarantee 2

Froothie is an Australian company who are currently launching in Europe and are bringing their professional blenders to the UK. Similar to a Vitamix, the Froothie has some distinct advantages:

Domestic Blenders The OPTIMUM 9400 Not Just a Blender Try it FREE 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

I also love that the Froothie Optimum 9400 container can be used for dry and wet blending and is BPA free. It also retails for a more affordable price than either the Vitamix or Blendtec. Having used my Vitamix for a while, I can honestly say I was shocked at how well the Froothie works in comparison, especially given it’s cheaper cost. I’m a total convert!

Froothie machine

I use my blender pretty much everyday, it’s my number one kitchen tool and makes eating healthily a lot easier. It’s also really easy to experiment with different recipes when you have some tech like this. The Froothie comes with a tamper, spatula and even it’s own nut milk bag. The fact that you can also dry blend in the same container is awesome. The range of recipes you can make include smoothies, soups, dips, sauces, nut milk, instant froyo or ice cream, flours etc. Take a look at the Froothie site for loads more ideas. I’ve tried using cheaper blenders and had them burn out on me, so if you can afford the initial outlay, it really is worth getting one as it will last you a very long time indeed!

Chilli chocolate strawberry smoothie 10

Back to the recipe, I used frozen strawberries in this, but fresh would work just as well (my frozen strawberries where stuck in a big clump but the Froothie pulverised them very quick!) Also feel free to use whatever milk you prefer in place of the almond milk.

Chilli chocolate strawberry smoothie 7

[yumprint-recipe id=’63’]Chilli chocolate strawberry smoothie 5

The Froothie is currently available for £329, much less than other similar blenders which retail at over £450! Wholeheartedly Healthy readers can also get an additional 2 years warranty using the code ’Special Ambassador Offer’. You can get your Froothie in black, white, silver and red. If you order you can expect your Froothie delivery in 24 – 48 hours. For more info check out Froothie TV to see the blender in action and check them out on Facebook and Twitter

Have you tried chilli in a smoothie? How about chilli with chocolate? Would you be tempted to invest in a Froothie?

*Please note I was provided with a Froothie Optimum 9400 as part of my role as brand ambassador and this post contains affiliate links. Should you choose to purchase via one of these links I will receive a small commission. Thanks for your support! 

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  1. Kezia

    Perfect! I have been research the whole high powered blender and looking into belndtec , vitamix and had heard about this brand but not seen a review – so this is very helpful. Love the recipe to, chilli and cocoa is such an awesome combo:)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Definitely let me know if you want to know any more about it but I was seriously surprised at how good it is!

  2. Lauren

    I love the chilli chocolate combination – this look fabulous! I am glad you are feeling better too :)
    I might have to invest in a froothie over in OZ, it looks even better then a vitamix and a good bit cheaper – win!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks! It is a great blender and from Oz so would be perfect I’m sure!

  3. Emma Potts

    Yay for Froothie! Glad you’re loving it too Laura. I use mine every single day without fail!
    This smoothie sounds amazing. I love chili and chocolate but wouldn’t have thought to add strawberries to the mix.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      They are brilliant blenders aren’t they :-) Chilli and chocolate is such a good combo!

  4. Tamzin

    I want a froothie so bad, actually saving up for one so fingers crossed i shall have my hands on one soon! Love the sound of this smoothie chilli and chocolate go so well together!

  5. Maria @ runningcupcake

    It looks really good. I have pondered a vitamix before but they are so expensive and I don’t use my blender every day so it didn’t seem worth it. At the moment we have one from John Lewis that is pretty good, but the blade detaches for cleaning, and I am not strong enough to screw it back in place- we have had a few disasters with liquid seeping all over the kitchen worktop!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      That used to happen with my old Kenwood, I’d make such a mess with smoothie leaking all over the place!

  6. Claire @ Flake and Cake

    That Froothie looks amazing , think of all the things I could do with it!
    Yummy looking smoothie too Laura :-)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      They are pretty versatile especially that they can dry grind as well!

  7. Jess Riches

    Wow, you’re so lucky to have a Froothie AND a Vitamix! I’d give anything just to have one or the other, particularly since both my breakfast and lunch are huge smoothies now that I’m Raw Till 4. It takes forever to blend them because I haven’t had a proper blender for over a year and my little £19.99 hand blender doesn’t cope too well with the sheer volume of dates/bananas/coconut water I’m using, so I tend to whizz it up in two batches. Takes forever though, and the texture isn’t as good as it might be. I guess it puts into perspective how out of my budget range decent blenders really are…

    I actually really like the chocolate/chilli combination, and I used to love the Cocoa Mole Larabar when it was about (sadly it’s been discontinued). I can only handle the tiniest amount of chilli though, so I have to be very careful.

  8. Stuart Vettese

    What a great combination of flavours! The Optimum 9400 is fantstic isn’t it?

  9. Lauren (@PoweredbyPB)

    I’m really shocked that this is as good as the vita, especially considering the price! This smoothie sounds like what I need right now, to get rid of illness!

  10. kellie@foodtoglow

    Love, love love this simple, healthy and importantly tasty sounding recipe. I love my Froothie too and I am always pleased to see a Froothie recipe that leaps out and says MAKE ME. Like this one :-)

  11. Jacqueline Meldrum

    I am really loving my 9400 and use it every day too. Glad you are linking it and that is one amazing smoothie!


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