Time for another day in the life post! This was what I got up to last Thursday which was a quiet working at home day. As it happens I was glad of not having to go anyway as I was feeling a little under the weather. I started the day with some lemon, ginger and honey tea:
That really helped to soothe my throat and after answering some emails at the computer I had breakfast:
The night before I’d mixed some oats, chia seeds and water together and left in the fridge. That morning I mixed in a little almond milk and vanilla sun warrior protein powder. As it was a dull morning I fancied something a bit warm so heated up the peaches in the microwave before topping with the oats. I also added a little rice syrup. A bit later I had a coffee craving so made up some decaf:
I eventually got properly washed and dressed and started working on writing the intros for my recipes for the book so I could email them to the publisher. I snacked on several corn cakes with butter:
I’m so addicted to these! I think they are my version of dry toast, the kind of food I like when I’m feeling a bit ‘off’. After that I worked on my affordable super foods post and just finished it as the online grocery shop arrived! We decided to try the online shop as I’m starting to find it too tiring to do a big shop by myself when it includes carrying the bags from the car to the flat and then up the stairs. James doesn’t drive and the only time we could really go together is a Friday night when the shops are pretty nuts. Being able to thrown in the odd big grocery shop will be a big help, especially once the baby arrives.
I didn’t get so much veg as I also get my organic veg box delivered on a Friday, but that lot should definitely keep us going a while. Can you tell which are James foods and which are mine? To be fair the only things there and pictured at the top of the post that I wouldn’t have is the cheapo cheese and *shudder* cooked ham. I can’t stand cooked ham! After I put the shopping away I sat down to a bowl of my pea, avocado and mint soup:
This was actually a pic of the first portion of the soup I’d had the day before so I only had one cracker. I think those corn cakes must have been more filling than I’d realised so I hardly touched the soup. At 1pm I had a Skype call with a client which was just lovely. It’s a nice way to break my day up and get some human interaction!
After that I went and made and then photographed a new recipe I’ll be posting tomorrow. I drank that, and snacked on a Kind Dark Chocolate Chunk Bar while I started editing the photographs, which was a tough job as the light was crap!
A bit later I fancied some more chocolate so snacked on a couple of dark chocolate lindor truffles my sister had bought me for my birthday:
It was about that time I realised I hadn’t left the house all day and needed to get some kind of movement to prevent myself turning into a sloth! However the weather had other ideas:
Instead of going for a walk I did about 15 minutes of yoga just doing my own thing. This is the view from downward dog:
I was amazed at how much better I felt after that, I think hanging your head upside down is good for you! After that I started making dinner. I had already marinated the pork, so just boiled James some wholewheat noodles then stir fried the pork and some veggies:
I love my Chinese 5 spice pork and that definitely hit the spot although I couldn’t finish it! We watched some True Blood we’d recorded on Sky, then a little later I pulled out some of my home made coconut milk and nectarine ice cream:
After I’d had that I started feeling pretty lousy and sorry for myself, my head cold just didn’t seem to be easing up. I made myself a double strength red raspberry leaf tea (which I’m drinking to hopefully support labour when the time comes) and read a few pages of The Desire Map which I am loving! I’ll probably do a post about a few of the books I’ve been reading recently, but they’ve really made me aware that a lot of the stuff in them I’ve been doing automatically for years and even incorporate into my coaching which is cool.
While I was reading that my parents called so I talked to them on the phone for about 20 minutes. I chatted to my Dad about a photograph one of my aunties had shared on Facebook, a very old one of my great grandmother and great-great grandmother!
This was the first time I’d seen a picture of my great-great grandmother, my Nana had looked her absolute double! Whenever I have a fleeting worry about child birth I think of my great Nana who had 15 kids. Can you even imagine that? Amazing! After that I took myself to bed, it was only 8.30 but I must have fell asleep by 9.15, I think I needed it!
For some reason that day I’d felt like I’d hardly got anything done until I recalled the tasks I did like answering emails, blog post comments, doing the recipe intros, writing a blog post and photographing and writing another, as well as talking with a client for an hour. Add in stopping every so often to enjoy baby kicks and then domestic stuff like that yoga break, making meals and putting shopping away and I think that’s not bad considering I wasn’t 100%!
Do you do your grocery shopping online? Have you any treasured old photographs of family?
15 kids! I’ve heard similar numbers from my relatives – what a life! If I have kids I think I’ll be keeping it in the single digits ;)
Love the downward dog pic!
I know it’s craziness right, I think we’ll be lucky if we have more than 1, can’t even fathom what 3 or 4 would be like never mind 15 ;-)
That is an awesome day seeing as you were feeling under the weather lady!
Your eats look fab – especially that coconut milk ice cream – looks amazing!
15 children!! Wow, that is incredible – I cannot imagine having that many children! I have a wonderful photo of my Gran when she was around my age. She was so fabulous :)
We do an online shop when we get too busy to hit the shops. Ocado is my favourite, but Sainsburys normally wins on price!
Thanks Lauren! I love old photos like that, I have some of my grands at my age as well, they look so stunning. I wish Ocado delivered in my area as I’d be very tempted!
15 children! I can’t imagine that!
I love getting our shopping delivered, it is so much nicer than having to go around the shops- usually the shops move stuff about and then I remember something right at the checkout so have to go back again. I spend less too as I don’t get tempted by all the offers.
I don’t really have photos of my family, but for my Dad’s 60th this year my Auntie made him a photo book with photos of them when they were little, and their relatives, including a lot of our Austrian relatives, so that was lovely to see them as I have not been there since I was little.
I found it useful as I could add things to the delivery up to the night before, great as I keep forgetting things! That sounds like a lovely gift for your Dad :-)
We used to do all our shopping on Saturday morning’s but now with parkrun I do it online. Though I do enjoy walking round the shops, I get stressed when it’s busy (as it always is at the weekend). Getting it delivered is a huge weight off my mind and it’s so much easier. And I can still browse through the aisle, though virtually!
How cool that you have such an old photograph, but 15 children. SERIOUSLY?!
It definitely seems like online shopping is the way forward! I know, can you imagine what her body must have been like bless her!
I used to do my food shopping online loads as a student because it was just convenient when I was busy but now I have time to go to the shops during the week when it’s quiet which I do prefer..I can imagine it will be soooo useful when the baby comes!
Sounds like a pretty productive day if you ask me! Especially considering you weren’t 100%! I totally agree with you on the putting your head upside down being good for you. When I had tonsillitis and was full of a headache and just felt awful, I googled yoga positions to help out of interest and it suggested downward dog and it felt so much better being upside down..could have stayed like that all day haha!
My Nana had 15 kids too! She was Catholic so I think that was the done thing back in the day for Catholic women. Couldn’t imagine having that many children!!
I think when you do have time to go and it’s quiet it’s a lovely experience. I bet it was nice for you when you were so busy! I’m definitely going to use the head upside down thing now whenever I feel a bit ill! It’s crazy to think that they gave birth so many times, I can’t even imagine what their poor bodies must have been like after that ;-)
15 children? Wow! I would love some old photos like that though.
Ginger and lemon tea is always my go to when I am feeling unwell. Glad you are feeling better though!
Thanks Dannii, feeling miles better now :-)
I really like these posts :) Hope you feel better soon! I often feel like I’ve done “nothing” all day but looking back and reflecting often makes me realise that I’ve actually done quite a lot! x
Thanks Lily! I’m definitely feeling a bit better now :-) I think reflecting back is so useful as a reminder and to put things into perspective :-)
Fun to have a little insight into your daily life Laura. Hope you’re back on top form now!
Sometime days pottering around at home are rather nice, especially when it’s grey and miserable outside. Frustrating for photo taking though!
I buy my “special” ingredients online but for day-to-day veg and basics I have a great local health food shop and Waitrose a 5 minute walk away. Very convenient!
I am definitely a lot better thankfully! Great that you have such good local options, I would be so happy if I had a Waitrose that close by!
I never do my shopping on line as i shop a lot at lidl so we have to go to the store but I actually quite like going and picking the stuff out myself….love old photos especially of my nan x
Always love these posts! I’m exactly the same – sometimes I think I’ve been so lazy but then when I look back at the day I realise that actually I’ve accomplished a lot. And even if I haven’t ticked off a lot of my to-do list, what I have done has made a huge difference to driving a project on.
We get an online delivery every six weeks or so – we don’t have a car, so getting the essentials like cat litter, toilet roll, cleaning products, cans etc. can be a bit tricky. We tend to stock up on everything like that (sorry delivery driver, that would be six bags of cat litter you have to carry to our front door…) but it means we only have to do food shops during the week.
LOVE your old family photograph, that’s amazing!
Hope you are feeling better now! I am sick at the minute and it’s no fun! That breakfast and the ice cream look so good!
I LOVE the inspiration board that is hanging above your desk!! Creating one is on my to do list and now I have a better idea of what I would like mine to look like…thanks :)
ps: what type of paper did you use for the background? I am assuming that is a bulletin board and you covered the brown??
xx Paige