Recipe: Quinoa Veg Pot with Coconut Ginger Chilli Sauce

main meals, recipes

Recipe: Quinoa Veg Pot with Coconut Ginger Chilli Sauce

main meals, recipes

Title coconut ginger chilli quinoa veg pot

As I’m sure other mamas will appreciate, it’s really hard to find the time to prepare food when you have a new born to take care of! I think I’ve actually managed quite well, but I have certainly been relying on some ‘ready made’ options. I have a post about that in the pipeline, but one of my favourite short cut meals have been Innocent Veg Pots. If you aren’t familiar with them, they are basically plastic microwaveable pots of grains, beans and veggies with some kind of sauce. As far as ready meals go, I think these are a half decent choice. 

Coconut ginger chilli quinoa veg pot 1

However, I thought that with a little preparation, I would be able to come up with my own cheaper and dare I say tastier version! I know that time spend preparing them can negate the whole point of eating them, but it really doesn’t take long and in less than 30 minutes you can have a tasty and nutritious lunch prepared for 4 days in a row. 

Coconut ginger chilli quinoa veg pot 2

I’ve used quinoa, chickpeas and a coconut milk based sauce for this recipe, however you could easily swap the quinoa for another whole grain and the chickpeas for another bean. You could also try all kinds of sauces in place of the coconut one. A tomato based sauce would be a little lower in fat and calories if that’s what you are after. You can also get experimental with the flavouring as all kinds of curry pastes could be used instead of or even alongside the ginger and chilli. 

Coconut ginger chilli quinoa veg pot 7

[yumprint-recipe id=’66’]Coconut ginger chilli quinoa veg pot 4

Have you tried one of the Innocent Veg Pots? What combination of grains, beans and sauce would you like in this recipe? Do you struggle to find time to prepare food from scratch?

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  1. Lauren

    I used to eat those innocent veg pots all the time but they can add up a little on the old wallet! This looks delicious and a great way to get a delicious and quick meal but for a fraction of the cost :)

  2. Claire Hayhurst

    These look fab Laura. I used to have the innocent pots at work but I didn’t LOVE them, I think they’re a good healthy option compared to ready meals though.

  3. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Oooh these sound amazing and look so pretty too! I love the jam jar thing. Very current!
    I Love the Innocent company :-D They’re a good’un!

  4. Elizabeth

    Yum! Those look amazing. Will definitely have to try those out soon.

  5. Maria @ runningcupcake

    Sometimes if I am busy I buy the pots for a quick dinner, they are way better than other microwave meals.
    I try to make lunch for a few days in advance, so I only have to do it twice a week, but it does take time.

  6. Tamzin

    I have never actually tried the innocent pots but they do look quite nice although I am loving this idea far more!

  7. Lauren (@PoweredbyPB)

    This looks delcious, so simple too. I think the innocent pots are a good idea, but they are outrageously overpriced.


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