Recipe: Salted Almond Butter Fudge

recipes, sweet treats

Recipe: Salted Almond Butter Fudge

recipes, sweet treats

Salted almond butter fudge recipe

I have to apologise for the time it’s taken me to post this bloody fabulous recipe! I made and photographed this the day before I went into labour with Fin, so it’s been waiting patiently to be put into a blog post for you lovely lot. I can not tell you how glad I was to have some of this in the freezer on the day when we got home from hospital!

Almond butter fudge 18

I’m not kidding when I say this is delicious. Vegan (if you use agave or rice syrup) and paleo friendly as well as being lower on the sugar side, it has the most incredible texture. Fudge is one of my favourite sweet treats, but something I only tend to have when I’m on holiday from one of those specialist shops. Now I can make this at home whenever I fancy!

Almond butter fudge 10

It is pretty calorie dense, but a small square of this is extremely satisfying. It’s a great recipe to try if you are ditching the processed sugar and if you are going for low fructose then try using rice syrup for the sweetener option. It’s only a handful of whole food ingredients so can be made in a flash too.

Almond butter fudge 15

[yumprint-recipe id=’65’]
Almond butter fudge 13

This recipe could easily have other ingredients added to it such as dried fruit (cherries would be amazing) and other nuts. Also feel free to switch up the nuts and nut butter, I’d love to try a cashew butter version of this!

Are you a fan of fudge? What flavour do you like best?

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  1. Lauren

    I love fudge!! I always used to love the Scottish tablet fudge as a kid. This looks so good Laura!!

  2. Nadia

    Wow Laura! This looks too good :D <3

  3. Mary

    This looks amazing! I’m a big fan of fudge from the fudge shops you get in holiday towns. With Christmas coming up and us trying to spend a little less this year after our wedding, I’m going to give this a go wrapped in cellophane for some presents at work.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      That’s a great idea, I think home made gifts are always extra special :-)

  4. Emma Potts

    This looks insanely good Laura. I actually never liked traditional fudge. It’s just far too cloyingly sweet. This recipe is perfect for me! Definitely a must-make.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      I know what you mean about regular fudge although sadly that never stops me! However this is so much better for sure!

  5. jp

    when you say ‘coconut milk’ do you mean the milk substitute, like almond milk. or the actual canned coconut milk? x

  6. Kezia

    oh my Laura – this looks amazing! I love fudge and used to eat a lot of it so am very excited to try this out. We must have fudge on the brain – I was working on a vanilla fudge recipe this week too – not quite there yet but enjoying the process:)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Mmm vanilla fudge sounds delicious, will be watching out for that recipe!

  7. Nicky

    Phwoarrr! This has my name all over it!!

  8. Karina

    Yummy, clever and very tempting concoction, Laura:)

  9. Tamzin

    Yes Yes Yes PLEASE!!!! This looks sooooo good Laura! I will be trying this for sure!


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