My current ‘diet’ and body + mind after baby update

My current ‘diet’ and body + mind after baby update

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You are such an inspiration lady! Seriously, if I ever pop out a baby I just hope I can hold it together, let alone be able to blog! Very glad to hear things are looking up.
My diet isn’t far off from yours – and I especially love what you said about your attitude to eating out/family occasions – the more I tell myself certain foods are totally off limits, the more ‘manic’ my attitude to food becomes.
Thanks so much Cat! Yes I can relate to that ‘manic’ feeling as well x
Laura, I’ve been following your blog for ages but rarely comment. I adore your blog. I really appreciate how open and honest you are in your writing and thank you for continuing that. I think more mums or mums to be would really appreciate your honesty about the first couple months of being a new mum, I know I do :) I have not had children yet so I have no idea how tough but rewarding it must be at the same time, especially everything you have been through. You are doing amazing!!! The last 12 weeks are a lot to process never mind do so and keep moving forward on with so little sleep. You ARE doing this and your doing a bloody good job, don’t forget that. xx
Thanks so much for the comment Elise, so lovely of you to say. So glad you enjoy the blog too!
Glad that things are looking up for you and Finley is doing well. Sounds like you’ve got a good food routine going. I’m loving soup right now and having that everyday for either lunch or dinner, I like making a big batch and having it through the week, so easy when I get home for work late.
Thanks Lauren, yep soup at this time of year is spot on!
You are seriously inspiring. The fact you can even think about eating healthy food when you have had a ridiculous amount of stress to deal with is just amazing.
I am so glad things are on the up :)
You are an inspiration!
Thanks so much Lauren! I think it’s just reminding myself how much better I feel when I eat well that helps :-)
Hey Laura, seriously don’t beat yourself up about your body. I did the exact same dropped a bit after birth the. Stayed pretty constant despite a ton of exercise. Now after 6 months of breastfeeding I am dropping more after a consultation with a dietician. I am however back in my pre preggie jeans despite a few extra kgs. I can only think breastfeeding boobs must be heavy, also I have not had a period since so I obviously have slightly altered hormones from breast feeding. In my experience hormones can play a big role in weightloss. You can loose weight at any time and right now you just need to have a amazing time with your beautiful family.
I totally agree it can be hard being a mum, without your extra battles. However I do the good so far out weights the bad that I just have to laugh really! In don’t think life is going to calm down for at least 18 years!
Thanks Hayley, it certainly does take time to get back into shape! You are absolutely right, hormones as well as sleep can play a big role. You are definitely right about life being a bit crazy for years to come!
I expect you have been feeling down but you have had to go through an awful lot. Just having a new born baby without all the complications you’ve been through is tough going. Plus there’s a fair amount of hormonal stuff going on for a year or so. The sleeping should be better any minute now. My children all slept through from 12 weeks but I know I’m very lucky. Fin will suddenly and surprisingly go through the night and if you can get your sleep you’ll find everything is very manageable. Also most people cope with the first few months with getting out and about for a walk and you’ll be able to do more of that now. That also helps hugely.
I really hope the sleeping will get easier! I’ve just been talking to my health visitor and we were saying it feels like we’ve had to start all over again like he’s a new born. Still, I live in hope that he will suddenly start sleeping more!
Honestly I think you’re amazing. You’ve dealt with so much over the past couple of months and seriously smashed it. Finley is so lucky to have you as a mother – you rock! I don’t read many mother-baby blogs but there are some fitness/HL bloggers who have had babies and seeeeriously make it sound like every hour is a pin from Pinterest and you just think “yeah right”. I really respect your honesty. Fully makes me aware of how not ready I am for baby right now!
Thanks so much Anna, yep I know just what you mean about those bloggers, it kind of made me feel bad but come on, it’s hard work for everyone I think!
I eat a very varied diet these days, I fast for two days a week too and have done since feb it works for me but it’s not for everyone. I think your doing amazingly well and you look fab…I am helping my sister to lose her baby weight at the mo over Skype so let me know if you ever fancy it as it can be done at home! X
Thanks Tamzin, once Fin is in a better routine I will definitely be taking you up on the offer!
You bet I can relate to this(let’s face it motherhood is initially a big shock but ultimately a very rewarding role:), thanks for keeping it balanced and real, Laura!
Thank Karina! xxx
You’ve got your priorities right, Laura; top mama!
So honest and inspiring thank you for being so real :)
I think my diet looks pretty similar to yours, the only things I’m really trying to steer clear of are coffee and alcohol as they aggravate my IBS so much…it’s taken me a long time to realise/ face that!! Atm I’m cutting them out completely for a few weeks, but I’m off to Seville soon and won’t be able to resist some Spanish wine but that’s fine!
Thanks Rachael! Oh bless you, I have to admit I’d find leaving coffee so tough! Have a great time in Seville, very jealous!
You sound like you’re doing brilliantly Laura – the fact that you’re doing any cooking at all is an achievement, let alone 3 healthy meals a day!
Your attitude to food and body image is always inspiring :)
Thank Emma! Haha cooking can be pretty challenging sometimes!
You know, I’ve always admired you Laura but honestly, as time goes on and you face new challenges, this being probably the biggest one, it just reaffirms why you’re such a huge inspiration to me and many many other people! Your honesty, your strength, the way that you think things through logically about how you’re feeling, it’s all just amazing. You’re the best mum ever to Fin and he is SO lucky to have you as a mum and we all knew it would be that way because you’re incredible :)
Your diet sounds so healthy like it always has been and what more can you do than eat as well as you can and move when you can when you have a baby? And having treats is part of being healthy too so too right you should allow yourself some!
And I’m so glad to hear that things are on the up, lots of happy times ahead I’m positive :) :)
Thanks so much Nicky, you are so kind! As you say I think it’s a case of just doing the best you can as much as you can and being satisfied with that :-)
I am sure that a few days after birth your body releases loads of hormones which can make you feel really emotional/ depressed too, even without all the added stress of Finley’s operation. I think you are doing amazingly well considering everything you have had to deal with.
I totally agree in having indulgent foods every now and then too- especially a cinnamon roll from Starbucks- so good :)
Yep you get the baby blues when your milk comes in, I can remember being a right mess in hospital! A cinnamon swirl would have probably cheered me up ;-)
I just want to say how much I admire you Laura, you have coped so well with so much thrown at you in these past 12 weeks and have just been such a superwoman about it all.
I doubt anyone could come out of what you have gone through feeling completely fine mentally, that’s without taking into consideration hormones and adjusting to having a newborn.
Your diet looks blooming amazing, I wish mine was there at the moment! Sounds like you are getting lots of nutrients in and good stuff, serious kudos!
Thanks so much Claire, it’s been hard work but so worth it!