Recipe: Frozen Chai Latte Smoothie with Vita Coco #CocoCreations

recipes, smoothies

Recipe: Frozen Chai Latte Smoothie with Vita Coco #CocoCreations

recipes, smoothies

Frozen chai latte smoothie title

In the colder months there’s one thing I always look forward to: Chai Lattes! I just love chai spices, for me they are integral to autumn, winter and Christmas as they are so warming. When Vita Coco challenged me to post a favourite juice or smoothie recipe for their #CocoCreations challenge I immediately thought of green smoothies, however, this is much more seasonal and fun and is certainly my favourite smoothie of the moment!

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In recent months I’ve started to go off smoothies and juices when the weather is cooler as I find that works better of my body, however this is an exception! It has a rich, thick almost milk shake like consistency and decadent taste, with no sugar or hidden nasties!

Frozen chai latte smoothie 4

It’s thick and creamy consistency reminds me of a frothy chai latte just in frozen form! The recipe is also simple and straight forward in what I hope is my typical style, with just 6 ingredients. Vita Coco coconut water is super hydrating, the banana adds some fast release energy and natural sweetness and the full fat tinned coconut milk gives a good dose of healthy fats.

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[yumprint-recipe id=’73’]Frozen chai latte smoothie 5

If you love chai as much as I do check out my home made chai spice mix and coconut milk chai latte recipe and chai pumpkin muffin recipe.

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Do you enjoy chai lattes? What is your favourite way to drink coconut water?

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  1. Tamzin

    Ha mine is slightly different, yours sounds just as good as mine chai is just so good!!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      You can’t beat chai! Glad they were a bit different but great minds alike!

  2. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    My favourite way to drink coconut water is straight from the fridge after a run. It just taste phenomenal and it’s a perfect way to for me to recover quickly after running. Way more exciting than plain water as well.
    Love the sound of the latte, very Christmasssy and delicious!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      I used to have some on shorter hotter runs while I was running instead of those fuel drinks, much more tasty!

  3. Maria @ runningcupcake

    That sounds very refreshing- I like coconut water on a hot day as it is so thirst quenching, and I love chai lattes hen it is cold, the cinnamon and other spices are so warming.

  4. Lauren

    Amazing stuff right there. We make these at work and they are fantastic!! So refreshing for the heat at the moment but also reminding me of christmas flavours of home!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Oh wow I bet that is one cool place to work making smoothies like that!

  5. Sophie

    I made your cool lovely frozen chai latte! Divine it was! x


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