What has happened to the weather today? It’s bucketing down and grey outside my window this morning! How is your Sunday going? I’ll be spending the rest of mine sorting this flat out, this week we’ve been having renovations done to our bathroom and kitchen so the place has been upside down. We stayed with my parents for a couple of days to avoid some of the mess but I don’t think it made a huge amount of difference. Eats and exercise have definitely been affected by it all, I can’t wait to have a fully working kitchen that isn’t covered in saw dust again! Really simple meals like avocado on toast have been common place for me this week, as well as…
With the upheaval of the work being done in the flat, my eats have been a bit all over. I’m glad that I made a big batch of cacao coconut granola from I Quit Sugar as I’ve been snacking away on that most of the week. I even indulged in a takeaway on Friday night which was when we had no access to the kitchen! Un-pictured is a couple of M&S salads that have been had for lunch too.

- Monday – 2 mile run, 2 hour yoga workshop
- Tuesday – rest
- Wednesday – rest
- Thursday – 2 mile run (on treadmill at the gym!)
- Friday – rest
- Saturday – lots of cleaning and carrying things!
- Sunday – lots of cleaning
Metafit was cancelled this week (boo hoo!) but I did start the week with my new half marathon plan and a very slow 2 miles. I have so much to say about running at the moment, I think I have a blog post brewing on that! This week was the last week of my gym membership and as it turned out I was actually glad of it as I was able to use their showers while mine was out of action and get a cheeky 2 miles in on their treadmill to save me some time. I was due a run today, but I am giving myself some slack with everything I’ve had on this week.
I’ve been in baggy jeans with unwashed hair most of the week, so instead of sharing that here is what is top of my current what list, Uashmama Metallic Cross Body Bag from The Future Kept. I am crazy about metallic stuff at the moment and have a metallic purse and make up bag, so of course this is a must for the collection!
On bank holiday Monday I headed to the opening of Happy Yoga Newcastle brand new city centre studio to enjoy a 2 hour yoga workshop which was held for donation only to raise funds for people affected by the earthquake in Nepal. It ended with an amazing ‘gong bath’ – basically we all laid back wrapped in blankets while beautiful gongs were played. It was a magical experience, you really felt the vibrations of the gongs coming into your body. It was just the most lovely 2 hours I’ve had by myself in a while. Jo is such a great yoga teacher and her new fairy lit studio is an incredible space. I even bumped into another mama I’d met when we did hypnobirthing last year and after we got chatting in more detail this time we realised how much we had in common so vowed to meet up again soon. Yoga, relaxation, gongs and new friends, what more could I ask for! Also…
Beautiful fresh flowers from the guys at Razor // a wonderful live Google Hangout with my Fabulous YOU ladies! // giving myself time to rest // getting the Justgiving page for Team Finley set up // knowing that I’ll have a lovely kitchen and bathroom very soon (which will hopefully help our flat sell!) // June literally round the corner // Ikea and getting some new storage solutions (be gone toys in my living room!)
- May Edit – products I’ve been loving in May!
- Finley at 9 months
- Recipe for Halloumi and Lentil Salad with Kale and Mint
- Your body is not your masterpiece – via Huff Po – a great reminder that the biggest project we’ll ever work on is not just our body, it’s our LIFE!
- How to use a net pot tutorial – from Jo at Happy Yoga – I asked her about how you use these and she recorded a vlog on it. Must try this out!
- Life unfiltered – a great post from The Runner Beans about the realities of social media
- Superfood goji hemp chocolate snack popcorn via Will Frolic for Food
I’m glad there’s been so much to love this week as to be honest it has been very challenging living in total chaos. I also had a horrible migraine on Thursday that I thought was going to become yet another nasty cold, but I think that making myself rest on Friday, with lots of Finley cuddles (albeit we were sitting in amongst total mess) emergen-c, coconut water, lemon and ginger and I’ve managed to avoid it. Today is going to be very busy as I attempt to clean and sort the kitchen. The workman is back today to finish off a few things but then we are done! *deep breath*
How has your week been? Have you ever had to manage while renovations were being done in your house? How did you cope? Have you ever had a gong bath?
That gong bath sounds amazing! I’d like to find a studio in London that does that. I feel for you on the renovations! My dad is the worst because he refuses to get professionals in – any DIY ends up taking 10x longer!
James talks about DIYing it but I’ve told him we’d be getting a divorce if he did ;-)
The Happy Yoga Newcastle event sounds amazing, Laura, we’re envious of that alone(nice eats btw:)!
Thanks Karina, it was a great event!
That yoga class sounds amazing! House renovations are so stressful but it’ll be so worth it when its all sorted! x
We are almost there with the changes to the flat and yep it’s been worth it!
That yoga workshop sounds like absolute bliss! I hope you enjoyed every last minute of the me time :)
That picture of your Indian takeaway makes me miss the brilliant British Indian takeaway. You just can’t get it out here.
Eats still look pretty darn good even with all the chaos in the kitchen! Its reminded me to make some of the IQS granola – that stuff is so good!
It was incredible Lauren, so lovely and relaxing :-) Thanks on the eats, I think it felt worse that in probably was ;-)
I feel for you over the mess! It gets everywhere too! We had our shower room done a few years ago- luckily we have a bathroom too (although the shower is just a tube attached to the bath taps, so not very good)- the mess went through the house as they had to carry the old things all the way through the bedroom, hallway, living room and stairs. It only took a few days but it was so messy!
That yoga workshop sounds fab- very different but interesting.
It’s such a pain isn’t it Maria, luckily we are almost all done now!
IQS granola is the best! It’s definitely my snack of choice and I often have a bowl in the evening as ‘pudding’! Yum yum! x
It’s awesome isn’t it, so tasty!
Flip – that sounds like a hectic week lovely ! But exciting to be having a new bathroom and kitchen – def help sell the place I imagine. And yes a gong bath sounds awesome I have been trying buckram yoga this week – never been so sweaty in my life!
It was, I’m knackered, roll on next week for my chill day :-) Ooh you’ll have to tell me about bikram, theres a place close to me that’s starting doing it, I’d love to try it again!
Flip – that sounds like a hectic week lovely ! But exciting to be having a new bathroom and kitchen – def help sell the place I imagine. And yes a gong bath sounds awesome I have been trying bikram yoga this week – never been so sweaty in my life!
How did you not fall asleep in the yoga class hehe?? Sounds really lovely.
I am not good with mess or stress at all – anything that messes with my routine I just find hardwork, as I’m sure most people do!
Mmm your takeaway sounds delicious! Can’t beat an Indian in my eyes :-)
I seriously don’t know how I didn’t Anna, it was so lovely and relaxing! Yep I was feeling the lack of routine last week!
Sometimes simplicity is key when it comes to food, especially when things are all up in the air! I’ve been loving just a simple ragu/bolognese with courgetti, and yoghurt with berries and some homemade granola is also a staple of mine right now. I’m moving into a new flat in 2 weeks, so the prospect of packing things up and cleaning etc is a little daunting! So I’ll definitely be joining you on simpler meals.
Good luck with all the kitchen changes – I can only imagine how inconvenient that must be!
She’s So Lucy
Ooh exciting about your move, I hope it all goes well! I finally have the kitchen back and it is bliss :-)
Hope the renovations are finished soon!
That yoga class sounds absolute bliss!
Thanks so much for sharing my post! I think it’s such an important message for us all to remember, blogger and readers alike!
That granola looks delicious! Ugh having work done around the house is so stressful and messy- I feel for you!
You are having such an awesome plan! I haven’t done any renovations recently but when I moved house last year everything was a mess and I couldn’t follow any schedule. I love the meals and the smoothie that you share… and the lovely ideas for a work out routine! Thanks for sharing! :)