Recipe: Creamy Cashew Berry Superfood Smoothie

recipes, smoothies

Recipe: Creamy Cashew Berry Superfood Smoothie

recipes, smoothies

Creamy cashew berry smoothie

You guys know how much of a green smoothie fan I am, but recently I’ve been loving my pretty pink berry packed smoothies. I think my love of them was sparked when I enjoyed an amazing ‘I am Glowing’ smoothie from 42Juice in Brighton.

Creamy cashew berry superfood smoothie 2

This is just a beautifully hydrating, health packed smoothie recipe. I challenge you to drink this and not feel amazing! 

Creamy cashew berry superfood smoothie 3

Every single ingredient in this smoothie is a ‘superfood’ so it will provide you with an intense hit of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The inclusion of cashew butter and the optional protein powder combined with low GI berries means it is gentle on your blood sugar too.

Creamy cashew berry superfood smoothie 1

[yumprint-recipe id=’97’]Creamy cashew berry superfood smoothie 5

If you don’t have some of the stranger ingredients listed then don’t sweat it, just leave them out, it will still taste great and be full of goodness!

Green or pink? What is your favourite berry? How do you like to hydrate?



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  1. Lauren

    I love smoothies whatever colour they are but I have also been loving berries in smoothies lately! I love the combo of maca and cashew butter you have here – goes so well! This looks delicious :)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks Lauren, maca and cashew butter is so delicious together!

  2. Nikki @ The Road to Less Cake

    This looks like the perfect smoothie for summer. I’ve not tried cashew butter in a smoothie yet. I’m loving berry smothies at the moment too.

  3. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    My parents have a Nutribullet and my friend (who also has one) keeps going on about nutribulleting nuts in his smoothies and I really need to get on board with this as it sounds amazing. Perfect for after a long run as well!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Ah I knew you’d turn to the smoothie side eventually Anna! ;-)

  4. Lucy

    That looks so refreshing, gorgeous colour too. I haven’t purchased Bee Pollen in well over a year now, and I’m frankly not too sure why. It adds a lovely subtle sweetness to whatever you sprinkle it over. Maca powder has got to be my favourite superfood however – though I’m a bit gutted about the massive price inflation on it now, since there’s such huge demand. I’ve no doubt I’ll give this a go – that and some sunshine would be perfect :)

    She’s So Lucy

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks Lucy! I love bee pollen, I’m sure it helps with seasonal allergies too :-) It’s been a little while since I bought maca, haven’t seen the scary price yet!

  5. Pip {Cherries & Chisme}

    Complete side note, this being a recipe post and all, but I LOVE your thumb ring!!
    The smoothie looks delicious, I’m loving all things cashew at the moment.

  6. Kezia @ Super Naturally Healthy

    I love mixed berry smoothies – I buy the cheap mixed frozen berries and wiz them up with a medal date for a berry slushy which is so tasty! But also a big bee pollen fan – great for this hay fever season too:)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      My sainsbos seemed to stop stocking the cheap berries, I need to campaign for them to come back!

  7. Maria @ runningcupcake

    Mmm it looks lovely. I don’t mind green smoothies, but I prefer berry ones- plus if we have one, we share it, and I don’t think Andy would drink spinach (even though he eats it!).
    I love the idea of using coconut water for the liquid too- it sounds so hydrating for the warm weather.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      James tasted some of the green machine smoothie you get from the shops so I’m thinking I could possibly tempt him with a green one now!

  8. Alice Barnes

    Just made this as a post-bootcamp treat! Used almond butter instead of cashew but tasted just as good :) thanks for the recipe! xx

  9. lilylipstick

    This looks so good! I’m stuck on smoothies only for the next couple of days after saying goodbye to a wisdom tooth so definitely trying out this one! x


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