August Edit


August Edit


August Edit

It’s that time of the month again and I’m sharing some of my fave things from August!

1. Oasis ‘Lily’ Jeans – I have bought two pairs of these, one in blue and one in black, as they are such a great fit. They are stretchy, skinny, high-waisted ankle-grazers and I love them! The sizing is a bit strange as I was a bigger size in the black and smaller in the blue, but a great reasonably priced pair of jeans

2. Cookies and Cream Quest Bars – I bought these from iHerb but they are also available in the UK from places like Protein Pic n Mix. I love them as an occasional treat as they taste very naughty but aren’t too sugary or calorific.

3. Pink Water Bottle – I usually don’t take water out when I’m running less than 6 miles so I needed to get a decent water bottle now I’m running longer distances. This one is cheap and cheerful from Amazon but does the job.

4. Natur Boutique Cinnamon Green Tea* – I love my green tea and really enjoyed Natur Boutique’s cinnamon version. Cinnamon is great for sugar cravings and as I don’t enjoy fruity teas, it’s a green tea variation I can enjoy.

5. Yeo Valley Whole Organic Milk – I know that regular full fat, all dairy milk isn’t the ‘in’ thing, but I’ve been loving this stuff recently! I started getting whole milk for Finley and when I ran out of almond milk, used it in my coffee. It’s just delicious, I can’t believe I used to drink skimmed milk! Their cows are mostly grass-fed and I’m confident of the quality. I also love their full fat plain yoghurt. I don’t use milk that much, so I’ve pretty much switched from almond milk to this for occasional use. When you think that bought almond milk can still be fairly processed, I don’t mind the odd creamy coffee with full fat milk instead.

6. Clipper Latin American Instant Decaf – I’ve been buying this for a while, but have refocused on it this month as I’ve been cutting down my caffeine intake. It tastes great with the Yeo Valley whole milk and is wonderful made hot or iced.

7. Rawmio Hazelnut Spread – another iHerb treat, this healthy Nutella-style spread is made with just hazelnuts, cacao and coconut sugar. It was insanely good!

8. Sophia Gym Tote – I technically bought this in July, but I’ve used it so much this month I just love it. Although I’m not a gym goer, it’s the perfect bag for me as a biz mama. I can fit in my laptop and nappies, baby snacks, toys, etc and still look smart and chic.

Have you tried any of these products? What would be in your Edit this month?

Items marked * are PR samples which I received with no obligation to feature.

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  1. Pip {Cherries & Chisme}

    That bottle is such a good size! I run with a similar style one but much smaller and it often runs out. I always feel much better slowly sipping on water as I run, that might be a good option for GNR!
    Major Quest Bar envy… I keep thinking about treating myself to some more :D might have to do it! The cookie dough is my favourite.

  2. Karina

    The only nut milk worth consuming is when you make it yourself, glad you mentioned the processing of these not-that-healthy milks, Laura!

  3. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    I switched to semi-skimmed milk to up my fat and calcium intake a bit but a few people advised it wasn’t the best calcium source and could actually be worse for me…such confusing evidence out there! I love almond milk but it’s just a bit too devoid of protein and fat for me, so I’ve been trying goat’s milk instead which is wonderful! But I think milk (especially organic) on the whole (no pun intended!) is still pretty good for you and probably better than almond milk as it’s less processed and contains a lot more nutrients.

  4. Kezia @ Super Naturally Healthy

    I have been loving that coffee too – such a beautiful design and I am with you on the milk – I can’t handle loads of it but I have been loving treats of full fat organic iced lattes – so good! Maybe we our bodies are just wanting the vitamins and calcium :)

  5. Judy

    I have been lusting after a burgundy leather jacket from Asos. My size is sold out unfortunately, but I’ll keep checking for any added stock. If that “strategy”fails a Burgundy leather jacket is on my want list for September!

    Love your Sophia Gym Tote!

  6. Maria

    It’s so great when you find a pair of jeans that you love.
    I bought some coconut peanut butter on holiday, its amazing!
    Love the look of the raw hazelnut spread.

  7. Katie G

    Ahhh I have pretty much the same bottle but in green ?
    I am working my way through a box of Quest bars (amazing slightly microwaved) & I think they are the best tasting protein bar I’ve tried of many.
    My edit would be my protein soy chocolate as its like angel delight, quest bars & some Stella for Adidas sportswear ? x

  8. Sabrina Roussos

    I tried the Quest bar, cookies & cream. it is very rich but by far the best when it comes to ingredients & flavours.


    Sabrina xxx

  9. DinoT1985

    There’s better tasting healthy protein bars than Quest out there such as OhYeah! Low Carb Bar / One Bar and Grenade Carb Killa. Better tasting is the wrong wording, what I mean is that Quest only really have 5 great flavours and the textures are all the same. Whereas something like Carb Killa, each bar is a unique experience and ads more variety, not just to taste to overall mouth sensation. You can get both from


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