Edamame Bean and Squash Salad with Miso Tahini Dressing

main meals, recipes, salads

Edamame Bean and Squash Salad with Miso Tahini Dressing

main meals, recipes, salads

squash and edamame salad

Now that we’re full on into autumn I’ve been going through about two butternut squash a week. It’s one of my favourite seasonal veggies and I love how versatile it is. 

When the days get colder and the nights start drawing in, it can be easy to crave stodgy, heavy meals. I created this salad when I was craving something lighter but still satisfying. It’s a really simple salad to throw together, especially if, like me, you almost always have a container of roasted squash sitting in the fridge.

It’s been a little while since I’ve had edamame beans but I’m back to enjoying them every so often as a really convenient source of protein and fibre. Their Asian vibe makes them great added to stir fries when cutting up chicken or beef would be too much of a faff.

To go with those Asian flavours the salad dressing is made with miso paste from Japan mixed with tahini. Miso paste is made from fermented soya beans and you can get various different colours depending on how long it’s aged. I recommend a lighter miso paste for this recipe. Tahini, another favourite of mine, is made from sesame seeds. The dressing may sound like an odd combo but trust me it is so good! The saltiness of the dressing works perfectly with the sweetness of the squash. To make this salad even more in tune with Japanese cuisine try using kabocha squash (also called Japanese pumpkin). Kabocha is one of my favourite foods of all time and unfortunately it can be pretty hard to get hold of (in the UK Waitrose is probably your best bet).  If you can find it, definitely use it in this salad!

squash and edamame salad

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The dressing ingredients will probably make a little extra, so pop what’s left in the fridge for your next meal. It will also go well with chicken or any other veggie salad type dish.

If you’re looking for a light lunch or dinner full of seasonal flavours this is for you!

Have you tried miso before? Have you experimented with edamame beans?

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  1. AnnaTheApple

    I love miso soup. When I was in London I was buying it everyday to go with my lunch from Pret. Sooo tasty. This sounds really tasty and fresh :)

  2. LilyLipstick

    This looks so good – I recently had a roasted pumpkin salad in a café and really want to re-create it at home! x



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