How your relationship with food is like your relationship with money

How your relationship with food is like your relationship with money

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I actually find that most of my disposable income goes on food so eating better and making better financial decisions are really linked for me! I try to think of eating treats like using my credit card, I can eat something indulgent but I think have to balance it out in the same way as if I have a week of high spending. I use an app to help track my spending which really helps me to see where my money is going, where I can cut down and where I can accept it (a daily coffee shop coffee is my current “accept it” spent because I make sure I really enjoy it). I definitely have a limiting belief around saving money which I need to work on! x
That’s really interesting! That’s also a great way to think about it, love the idea of treats being like spending on a credit card. Also good to have accept it things, I certainly have a few of those!
This is an interesting proposition. I can see why they could be linked. I think with money I have a bit of ebb and flow- some months are more expensive so then I cut back the next month- everything is cleared each month and I put some aside for savings too. What I don’t agree with is when experts say to use cash instead of cards- for me if I spend on my credit card I can log on and see exactly what I have spent whereas if I get some cash out, it will go on car parking, bits here and there and before I know it, I’ve spent £20.
I agree with you on that, I use separate accounts for different budgets and transfer money into my main account when I spend something so I can always see how much is left in each budget.
Yes I totally agree that the two things can be very similar. I know I’ve had moments of “F*** it” for both food and spending and then regretted it afterwards when I realise I probably shouldn’t have eaten as much or spent as much… but then tomorrow is a new day and I’m more sensible (with food/money). I’m very cautious with my money and have a spreadsheet where I track all my monthly outgoings so I’m never usually taken by surprise by anything. It’s always good to keep aware of things, even if it’s not good news and you want to run away. Being an adult is hard!
It’s great that you’re so aware with money, but yes adulting is hard sometimes, I should have been budgeting the way I do now 10 years ago!