Dirty Chai Latte (and how to enjoy coffee healthily)

everything else, recipes

Dirty Chai Latte (and how to enjoy coffee healthily)

everything else, recipes

You guys know I’m a total coffee nut, but besides coffee the other hot drink I love is chai tea. I’m a big fan of the rich, spicy chai lattes you can get from coffee shops so when I discovered there was such a thing as a Dirty Chai (i.e. coffee and chai latte have a beautiful baby) I knew I had to try one!

dirty chai latte

I’m not ashamed to say the last two and a bit years I’ve pretty much been fuelled by pure caffeine to help me get through the exhaustion of sleep deprivation. Coffee has had mixed press recently, it used to be very much in the unhealthy camp, but then people started adding coconut oil to it (me included) and it became a health food. Like with most foods, I think it’s healthiness really comes down to how often you have it and your relationship with it. I’ve really started to notice its negative effects on me, things like jitters and anxiety, really not good! But, I love my coffee and all attempts at quitting have not gone down well, so I’ve looked into the best ways to enjoy it in a healthier way. 

  • ♥ Drink your coffee with food to limit its impact on blood sugar levels
  • ♥ Limit to one a day in the morning to limit impact on sleep
  • ♥ Go for the best quality you can find (organic would be best)
  • ♥ Add cinnamon (in chai spices!) to help sweeten naturally and support blood sugar levels

I’m currently working on the one-a-day, after breakfast thing, wish me luck!

But back to this recipe. Adding the coffee to the chai latte not only gives it a caffeine kick, it adds a deep, earthy taste that works really well with the chai spices. If you already like coffee then drinking it with a chai twist is a delicious and very autumnal way to enjoy it.

dirty chai latte

In fact it’s super hygge of course!

This is a really simple recipe and you can make it with filter coffee or a shot of espresso.

dirty chai latte

[yumprint-recipe id=’143′]

Give this a try and get your hygge on!

Do you enjoy chai? What’s your relationship with coffee and caffeine like?

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  1. LilyLipstick

    I remember reading about this being on the secret Starbucks menu! I do drink coffee – most week days I get a Starbucks soy cappuccino on the way into work as a little treat to start off the morning. I rarely drink coffee at home but I like making it in the French press! x

  2. AnnaTheApple

    I’m so boring with my regular daily coffee: just one teaspoon of instant. It does the trick for me! I then might have a cup of tea but that’s it. I try not to drink caffeine post 2pm because I worry it’ll stop me sleeping. Though I do love a Costa or a Starbucks as a treat.

  3. Maria B

    I LOVE a chai latte, but not coffee (only the smell)- I bet this would smell amazing. I sometimes make a chai latte (by that, I mean once every few months when I remember) with a Bluebird tea gingerbread rooibos teabag as the spices are so good- add a little honey to the warm milk and it’s delicious. I get a bit jittery if I have more than 3 cups of tea, which only happens at the weekend. Normally in the week I have herbals teas all day, apart from one “real” tea, usually when I get home to power me through any work.



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