Super Filling Blueberry Muffin Smoothie

breakfasts, recipes, smoothies

Super Filling Blueberry Muffin Smoothie

breakfasts, recipes, smoothies

Blueberry Muffin Smoothie

Smoothie weather seems to be on the way and what better way to celebrate than with a new recipe! This blueberry muffin smoothie is a true meal in a glass. Many smoothie recipes aren’t exactly filling and are more suitable for snacks, this recipe however has some real staying power thanks to protein rich Quark from Graham’s the Family Dairy.

This smoothie makes a great breakfast as it’s a blood sugar balancing, friendly mix of fibre rich oats, cinnamon and high-protein Quark alongside antioxidant rich blueberries to keep you full until lunch. If you’re not familiar with Quark its a cream cheese like product that is virtually fat free and very high in protein. It adds a rich creaminess to this smoothie as well as making it super filling.

It’s really easy to make too, just pop all the ingredients in a blender and whizz to drink immediately or even take to work in a smoothie cup or bottle.

I use frozen blueberries in this for extra thickness but you can also use fresh blueberries when they’re in season.

Blueberry Muffin Smoothie

[yumprint-recipe id=’149′]If you don’t like blueberries or don’t have them to hand they can easily be replaced with another berry. I can’t wait to make this in the summer with some strawberries!


If you’re wondering how to use Quark in other recipes check out these ideas:

Roasted Red Pepper Quiche

Passionfruit Cheesecake in a Glass

Pumpkin Pecan Pudding

Do you enjoy smoothies for breakfast or snacks? Have you tried Quark in a recipe yet?

*post in collaboration with Graham’s The Family Dairy

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  1. Emma

    For those of us not able to get that brand of quark (I live abroad), how much by weight is half a pot? Can’t find the size of their pots anywhere… This sounds yummy!

    • Irena

      Hi Emma,
      The pot in question is 250g so 125g of any quark should be abt 1/2 cup?

      • Emma

        Thank you!! So going to try this ????????????

  2. Carrie (This Fit Chick)

    LAURA! I remember you from my old blogging days at Moves N Munchies!! So great to see you doing so well out here!!! I’m glad I found you and can follow along!! Also, loving the look of this smoothie– blueberries are my favorite berry!

    • Laura@wholeheartedlyhealthy

      Wow it’s been ages I remember you well Carrie! Hope everything is good, I still remember your epic giant voluminous oats video!

  3. Lovely Angels X

    Oh this look so extremely tasty I will try it exactly now. I love blueberries and I will add bananas too. Thank you!
    My blog


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