Do you have the right coaching business niche?


Do you have the right coaching business niche?


A common question I’m asked as a business mentor for health and life coaches is ‘is this the right niche?’ Most coaches know that to build a successful business you need to have a defined area of expertise i.e. a niche – but defining a niche that works for you can be hard work!

In this post I’m going to share some thoughts on how to know if your niche is right for you and how to create more clarity if something doesn’t feel right. I’m going to share some questions to ask yourself if something connected to your niche doesn’t feel quite right.

Your niche is one of the most important business foundations and when your niche isn’t quite right it can have a big impact on your business – and how you show up in it.

I’ve already talked about how to define a niche if you’re starting out in How to Find Your Profitable Coaching Niche and ways to approach niching if you’re multi-passionate so do check those out for more ideas.

Watch this episode on YouTube and subscribe to my channel here

Listen to this episode on The Wholehearted Business Show Podcast: Listen on Apple Podcasts / Listen on Spotify


Do I feel excited and have lots of ideas when it comes to creating marketing content in my coaching business?

If you’re finding it hard to come up with ideas for content marketing such as blog post topics, podcast ideas or social media posts, this can be a sign that your niche isn’t quite the right fit. Obviously there’s a lot of other factors that can impact feeling like this, but when your niche is well defined, yet gives you some freedom within it, creating content should feel easier because everything flows from that defined niche.

You can also explore creating content on themes that I call ‘niche adjacent’ which basically means content that doesn’t fall directly within your niche but is still relevant for your ideal client. This can be especially useful when it comes to SEO.

Am I attracting the right fit clients?

Again, lots of things can factor into how we attract clients into our business but if we’re struggling to attract clients who are paying our full price, and who are the right fit – i.e. our ideal, dream boat clients, then that could be a sign to revisit your niche.

Sometimes we base our niche on what we think it ‘should’ be rather than what feels good to us. And while there’s certainly a strategic element to it, when your niche doesn’t feel good then that can throw us out of energetic alignment and cause issues with attracting clients.

What’s my gut feeling telling me about my niche?

Sometimes we just have a gut feeling that something is right – or wrong. I always think it’s worth listening to your intuition in business and if it doesn’t feel right then that’s a good enough sign as any to revisit your niche.

Mindset check in

Sometimes mindset stuff such as impostor syndrome, procrastination and fear of visibility can all get mixed up in the niching conversation. I really struggled with figuring out my niche for a long time and it was very much mixed up in mindset stuff!

However, if you find that you aren’t moving forward in your business and your niche is keeping you stuck, that’s definitely a sign to look at both your niche but also your mindset. Especially if we’re allowing the lack of clarity around our niche to stop us from doing the work – sometimes it can be a way we self sabotage to stop ourselves from moving forward.

If your niche isn’t working

When it comes to a niche that isn’t quite working you have four key options:

  • Change your niche completely
  • Pivot your niche – usually this means moving into an area of work that is adjacent to your current niche
  • Widen your niche
  • Narrow your niche

How drastic you go might depend on how far into your business you are! Whatever option you choose, make sure that you’re carrying out some market research to help give you some steer as to what will make the most sense.

Or of course book a session with a business coach or mentor to help you process your ideas and thoughts! Check out my one off Clarity Calls here.

You could also try launching a one off offer that is heavily and specifically connected to a new niche area to measure interest in it – this could be a small digital product for example or a Priceless Power Hours style call. This probably works best if you have an existing audience but it’s a good way to test something out.

I hope you’ve found this post helpful! For more support and ideas to help your coaching business particularly to attract more clients then check out my Aligned Client Attraction System below:


Aligned Client Attraction System

Get my simple ‘pick n mix’ style system for how to attract, connect with and convert clients – all in a way that you enjoy and that feels aligned for you.


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