If you’ve been thinking about adding more offerings into your health or life coaching business but you’re unsure how to structure these offers together, you need to understand how to put together an interconnected offer suite.
In this blog post I’m going to share everything you need to know about deciding which new offers to include in a curated offer suite that will help your coaching business make more money.
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Why Would You Want to Have More Than One Offer in Your Coaching Business?
It’s still very common for coaches to simply have one 1:1 coaching offer as the single service they sell. If this is you and if that’s working for you then you might not want to change it! However there are a number of very valid reasons why you may want to have more than one offer in your coaching business, including:
- Being able to offer something to people at different price points
- Diversifying the way you deliver on your services – for example moving from 1:1 to One to Many
- Enjoying a more creative, multi passionate way to generate income
- Understanding that to sell more of your core 1:1 offer, people need to build trust with you and other lower priced offers may allow people to do that before investing at a higher level.
Ultimately you can have as many offers in your coaching business as you like. Maybe you go for a more playful multi offer business approach, or if you’re thinking about having a more curated selection of offers then the offer suite approach we’re going to look at today is also an option that may be a bit more strategic.
The offers that you sell and how they are priced and structured together make up your business model. Check out my free Profitable Business Model Training and Business Plan Template to better understand how this might look in your own business.
If you do want to start putting together an offer suite, here’s some things to consider as you decide what to include:
Getting Clear on Your Niche, Ideal Client, and the Transformations you can provide
The best place to begin when you’re considering creating more offers is your niche, ideal client and more specifically, the problems you help people solve. Generally speaking, what most coaches find is that their 1:1 program offers the biggest transformation and helps people overcome a range of problems.
Breaking this down into specific problems and asking yourself if you can create offers that tackle one or a number of these can be useful. You can also consider your clients transformational journey, can you create offers that serve people at different stages?
How Do You Like to Deliver Your Work?
Next consider if you have any preferences for how you enjoy delivering your work as a coach. This is often an overlooked part of the conversation but the way in which you need to show up to deliver, create and sell your offers will take up a good chunk of your time so it makes sense that you’re doing something that feels good!
Do you love working 1:1 or does it become draining at a certain level? Do you find creating materials and resources online super fun and having an online course would make sense? How would that online course then link into your higher priced 1:1 offer? Consider all of these perspectives.
Offer Types
There are many, many different ways you can support someone through a transformation. Whether it’s a traditional 1:1 coaching package, membership, group program, online course, small digital product – consider which offer types are going to work best for you in terms of delivery, price point, getting your clients results and how they all could interlink together.
Low Ticket, Mid Ticket, High Ticket
Alongside considering your offer types, think about how they might be priced. Low ticket, mid ticket and high ticket offers can link together well – perhaps as an ascension type model – although this is not essential – to offer people different levels of working with you.
Selling the Offers in Your Offer Suite
Creating offers is just one part of the equation. How you sell them is equally important. Consider your sales processes, whether through direct engagement, email funnels, or launches.
Lack of a sales strategy can hinder your success, so ensure your offers are interconnected strategically to encourage progression towards your core offer.
Next Steps
If you’re interested in learning more about creating an offer suite in your business and creating one without spinning your wheels then check out my program Create Your Aligned Offer. In it I teach you how to balance the various elements you need to consider to create really good offers as well as how to structure them together and sell them effectively.
Check out Create Your Aligned Offer here
Laura 💖
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