How to Get 5 Coaching Clients in 30 Days

Business, Latest

How to Get 5 Coaching Clients in 30 Days

Business, Latest

If you’re running a health or life coaching business, attracting clients, especially at the start of your business journey, is essential to having your business be sustainable and actually grow.

But attracting clients can feel a whole lot more difficult than it seems, I’m sure if you’ve been posting on social media and keep checking your inbox for a discovery call booking you’ll know what I mean!

The good news is that there are ways you can attract clients and I’m going to give you a breakdown of one way you can book 5 coaching clients in 30 days as well as being really honest about why some coaches get stuck.

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Myth Busting

Before we get into the actual process of attracting those 5 clients in 30 days, I need to bust some myths. Those other coaches you see having seemingly ‘overnight’ success, the truth is they may just have one of a few advantages:

  • The have access to an existing network of people who fit their niche and ideal client type
  • They have more resources to invest upfront
  • They have rock solid self confidence

These three things can make a big difference in how quickly you can attract clients and make your business a success.

You can absolutely still make your coaching business work without an existing network, with a smaller budget to invest and shaky self confidence – it might just take you a bit longer.

What I’m also not going to suggest in this post are strategies with a high ick factor such as cold DMing, spending hours posting in Facebook groups or on Linkedin. Most of the people I work with are heart centred and highly sensitive, and I know those methods usually don’t feel good!

Your Niche, Ideal Client + Offer

Another thing we need to consider before we look at a client attraction strategy is the importance of your niche, messaging, ideal client and the actual offer.

If none of this makes sense or is working then it doesn’t matter how good your marketing is, you won’t get clients if this area is a mess.

Check out my program Create Your Aligned Offer which covers a lot of these areas and will help you ensure that this element is right before you try to attract clients.

Identify your ‘hot’ leads

The first step in attracting 5 clients in 30 days is to identify your hottest leads. WTF are hot leads I hear you cry? Well, hot leads are basically the people who are most likely to want to work with you as a client, and there’s a few ways we can identify who they are.

  1. They have booked a call – pretty obvious one right!
  2. They have responded to an email / social media post / video etc and indicated they are interested in working with you
  3. They engage with you on social media or email more broadly
  4. You know they are experiencing the problems you know you can help them solve
  5. They have clicked a link in an email to check out a sales page / book a call

This is usually quite helpful if you have an existing audience – but what if you don’t?

In that case, you need to focus on creating hand raiser content. Andrew & Pete have a detailed post on how to use this strategy here. Bear in mind what I said earlier about myth busting and time – if you are a newer coach we might be looking at a little longer than 30 days to attract some hot leads.

Invite your hot leads to a value-added call – not necessarily a ‘sales’ call

The next step, once you’ve identified those ‘hot’ leads, is to invite them to a call – but not always a sales call.

Sometimes, depending on how you’ve interacted, inviting them to a straight up discovery call makes sense. However if they haven’t shown they are explicitly interested in working with you, a better invitation can be to a value – added call.

There’s a couple of ways you can do this.

Firstly, I teach a whole strategy using paid value-added calls to help people progress to become full paying clients in my program Priceless Power Hours.

Secondly, you can still offer a free call, but when you add value, it becomes more of an opportunity for you to serve, before you sell.

Often that small shift can make it feel much more comfortable as a heart centred or highly sensitive coach to get people signed up for actual calls.

Deliver 10+ value added calls

Let’s say that you’ve been able to identify 20 hot leads and offer them a free or paid value added call. And then let’s say that 10 (or hopefully more!) of those people go ahead to book in for a call.

Well done! Now it’s time to deliver those calls and get clear on the ‘sales’ piece at the end.

How many people ‘convert’ from your calls depends on many factors, but there’s a good chance that half of the people you do calls with will say yes – and yey, there’s your 5 clients!

However there are some tricks you can use to increase the likelihood of people saying yes.

Increasing your ‘yeses’!

Here’s a few extra tips you can use to help you get more people to say yes to working with you.

Create a special offer / position your package as a special offer

People love to feel like they’re getting a good deal, so consider how you can position your offer as something special or one off. Maybe it’s a beta test at a special price?

Use a little urgency and scarcity (if it feels aligned)

If it feels good to you, don’t be afraid to use a little urgency – like a discount or bonus that expires, or scarcity – letting them know you only have 5 spots available this month. This can help people take action.

Next steps

This approach 100% works, but it’s not without its down sides. This method of client attraction is what I would describe as being very ‘manual’ in that it requires a lot of work from you and you have to run a lot of calls.

For some coaches who are on the more heart centred / highly sensitive side, offering a lot of calls and then having to do ‘sales’ in this way can feel heavy on your nervous system.

The good news is, you can attract clients in a more gentle and automated way that results in spontaneous client inquiries on autopilot – a much more sustainable way to build your business.

I’ll be teaching this whole process in my new free training:

Client Attraction & Sustainable Sales for Highly Sensitive and Heart Centred Coaches

You’ll learn:

  • Practical strategies for booking more 1:1 Coaching Clients without having to hustle in Facebook Groups and send cold DMs (ick)
  • How you can still attract clients and customers without using social media
  • The essential strategies your coaching business is missing if you’re not booking clients right now and how to fix this without going against your highly sensitive nature
  • The three key offers every coaching business needs to have in 2025 to be a success
  • My signature 6-part system for a sustainable, joyful and profitable coaching business

Sign Up Here!

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Aligned Client Attraction System

Get my simple ‘pick n mix’ style system for how to attract, connect with and convert clients – all in a way that you enjoy and that feels aligned for you.


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