‘How do you fit it all in?’ This is a question I’m often asked as someone who runs a business, is a Mum to two kids and who also has various other time commitments and things going on. So in this episode of the show is a behind the scenes look at a typical week in my...
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes of my Coaching Business April – June 2023
If you enjoy hearing what goes on behind the scenes of people’s business and life then read on, I’m sharing what I’ve been getting up to in quarter two of the year. Let’s dive in Watch this episode on YouTube and subscribe to my channel here...
Behind the Scenes of my Coaching Business Jan-March 2023
If you enjoy knowing what gets up to behind the scenes of people’s businesses then read on, I’m sharing what I’ve been up to in my business and life for the first quarter of 2023. Watch this episode on YouTube and subscribe to my channel here...
2022 Review and 2023 Plans
If you love behind the scenes content when it comes to online business and coaching then stay tuned because I’m going to be sharing a full rundown of behind the scenes of my online coaching business in 2022, how much money I made, my lessons learned as well as my...
July – September 2022 Behind the Scenes of my Coaching Business (including income report, lessons learned and more)
Continuing on with my quarterly behind the scenes posts, here’s a quick run down of what I’ve had going on in life and business between July and September. You can check out my posts for Jan - March and April to June here. I find writing these posts really useful in...
Behind the scenes of running a group programme
Creating a group programme is a popular option for coaches who are looking to diversify their income out of simply working with people 1:1. They can be a great option to create more impact and income in your coaching business once you’re ready to scale. In this post...
January – March 2022 Behind the Scenes of my Coaching Business (including income report, lessons learned and more!)
I really enjoy reading behind the scenes (BTS) posts so I thought that for 2022 I’d start doing quarterly posts sharing a bit more detail about the goings on in my life and business! I find the process of creating these posts quite cathartic but I also really hope...
2021 Review and 2022 Plans
I’ve been writing annual review posts for a while now: 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 (not sure where this post has gone!) / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 And of course this year is no different! Today I’m going to share what I got up to in 2021 and some of my...
Big personal update post: Summer holidays, turning 39 and what I’m focusing on this season
Hey guys grab a cuppa and get settled in for another personal update post! The last time I shared one of these was in the spring, not long after the last lockdown. It’s been so nice to have had a period of stability with the schools and nursery open. Now we’re deep in...