Recipe: Chocolate Chunk Cake bars with Rebel Kitchen Chocolate Milk

baked, recipes

Recipe: Chocolate Chunk Cake bars with Rebel Kitchen Chocolate Milk

baked, recipes

Choc chunk cake bars 7

This is my last recipe for my role as Rebel Kitchen Blogger of the Month. Don’t forget to check out my other recipes for Chai Spiced Porridge and Triple Green Smoothie. Of course I just had to end the month on a high…with chocolate!

These chocolate chunk bars are gluten free made using coconut flour. Sometimes coconut flour can result in a slightly dry result, but these are incredibly moist and moreish! Kind of like a cross between a brownie and a cake, they have a cake sponge texture with the rich chocolaty-ness of a brownie.

Choc chunk cake bars 2

I used a mix of plain and white chocolate chips but of course you can use whatever variation of chocolate chips you like. You could also experiment by swapping the Rebel Kitchen Choco Milk for their amazing choc orange milk for a chocolate orange version!

Choc chunk cake bars 4

[yumprint-recipe id=’71’]
Choc chunk cake bars 3

Thanks to Rebel Kitchen for having me as their Blogger of the Month! 

Have you tried Rebel Kitchen drinks yet? I’ve just ordered a case of the Chai milk as a treat for myself. Cake or brownie, which do you prefer?

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  1. Llinos

    Cake or brownie, I love both! This looks like a delicious recipe. I am ordering the drinks aswell!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks Llinos! I need to order my drinks now as well since I’m home from hospital with Finley :-)

  2. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    In Mary Berry’s words, these look scrummy!
    Cake or brownie? Ooooooh. Well I must say cake as there’s a lot more variety. HOWEVER in a pudding scenario hot brownie with ice cream can’t be beaten.

  3. Maria @ runningcupcake

    These look delicious- I have all the ingredients too, so I might make them soon!
    I love those mylks- I got very excited this week as Ocado only stocked the 3 packs of “kids” ones, but this week they now stock the chai one too- hooray! Have ordered one as a half term treat!

  4. Mary

    Whenever I fancy having something a bit ‘naughty’ I always crave brownies or squidgy cakes so it’s nicer to have some healthier versions to try. It always shocks me just how much sugar goes in to brownies!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      I dread to think how much sugar is in the regular versions!

  5. Ksenija @ With An Open Mind

    Hi Laura! I haven’t been on your blog in forever (I haven’t been around HLB land in forever actually) and just noticed that you changed it’s name. Love, love, love it! It turned out really beautifully and I like the message behind it. Now I have some catching up to do :)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks Ksenjia! Glad you like the new name, hope you are well!

  6. Lauren

    Well these look perfect for an afternoon cuppa. I need to find myself an amazing coconut chocolate milk out here! Or make my own hey… :)

  7. Nadia

    Rebel Kitchen Mylks are the best! I’m more of a warm drink kind of girl but these are just so delicious. I haven’t tried baking with them though, but it’s such a great idea! And these brownies look too good :D x

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      I wonder how these would taste warmed up? I might have to try them!

  8. Tamzin

    Yum! These are similar to the brownies I nade the other day so I’m pretty sure I could devour the lot!

  9. Sophie

    I made your delectable easy healthy brownies & loved every bite! They were divine! xxx

    I prefer cakes but rarely eat or make home-made brownies! :)

  10. Maria @ runningcupcake

    I finally got around to making these this week- they are fab! Thanks for another brill recipe :)


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