Thanks for the great response to my quick and easy recipes suggestion! From now on I’ll start posting any random recipes as Quick and Easy Eats, alongside my fancier recipes.
As I said on my Egg and Veggie muffin recipe post, I’m trying to increase the amount of protein I eat as it has a number of benefits for my body* which include:
- More staple energy levels (a big one for me at the moment!)
- More consistent hunger levels
- Weight loss
Of course protein is excellent post workout for building muscle to!
*this is how it works for my body, remember we are all different!
I do try and get protein from whole foods sources including good quality animal proteins like free range chicken, turkey and eggs, fish like tuna, salmon and mackerel and organic beef and pork as well as plant based proteins such as beans, lentils and quinoa. Sometimes I’ll have greek yoghurt, but generally I don’t find that cows milk products work that well for me so I keep them at a minimum. Alongside these whole food sources I will supplement with protein powders fairly often.
I don’t think protein powders should replace whole foods, but they are useful when I need something quick and convenient that will offer me the benefits listed above. My fave protein powder without a doubt is Sun Warrior. It’s a completely vegan brown rice protein powder available in chocolate or vanilla. Alongside that, I also love plain whey protein from grass fed cows and some flavoured protein powders as well, which admittedly are poorer quality and but cheaper and still do the job. What I have found with protein powders and recommendations is that it’s a very individual thing. I love Sun Warrior, but some people I’ve recommended it to aren’t huge fans. Look for sites that offer some sample size packs to help you decide.
When Finley was very young and cluster feeding most evenings, I loved Quest protein bars to keep my energy levels up and hunger levels down while I was pinned to the sofa. I would love to buy more Quest bars but they aren’t cheap, so I’ve been experimenting with creating my own protein snacks. A big shout out must go to Nicky from Proteinology who, in my opinion, is the Queen of protein snacks and sweet treats and the chocolate chip cookie dough fudge recipe I’m about to share is most definitely inspired by her creations.
Here are two quick and easy protein snack recipes for your enjoyment!
[yumprint-recipe id=’78’]
[yumprint-recipe id=’79’] There you have it, two quick, easy and tasty protein snacks!
Do you use protein powders? Do you eat a lot of protein?
Both recipes look really good, thanks for sharing them! I love portable protein snacks.
I personally eat quite a bit of protein because without it I don’t feel as satisfied. I try to include one source of protein in each of my meals: Greek yogurt for breakfast, chicken or tuna for lunch and usually salmon, pork or beef for dinner.
I don’t really use protein powders on a regular basis because they are hard to find in Switzerland. I do however use them occasionally as a treat. Sun Warrior is my favorite.
If dairy doesn’t agree with you, may I suggest that you try Skyr? It’s an Icelandic cheese made from skim milk; it has a lot of protein and calcium and is very easy to digest.
I fell in love with Skyr on holiday in Iceland last year but have not seen it in the UK. The closest things we have are quark and Greek yogurt. For the uninitiated, Skye has the fat content of quark but the texture of very thick luxury Greek yoghurt and is gorgeous. If they ever sell it here I might explode with excitement!
Wow that sounds amazing! Fingers crossed someone will spot the gap in the market and bring it out here!
I might a batch of energy and protein bars every week, it’s just so easy and they are great to have on hand, plus way cheaper than buying them when out and about. These look great.
Yummy. I’m going try use some hemp protein with the cookie dough recipe and maybe make it super healthy by adding some Purechimp super tea
Wow I loooooove these! I feel like they would be awesome for when I get hungry between my meals. Thank you!!
Hope you enjoy them!
Yummy these both sound great, I definitely need to start making my own snacks for work but I need to find the time first! Definitely something I will be doing once I get into my new work routine : )
I bet they will be handy for you once you have a routine sorted :-)
They look great! I don’t drink or eat much protein powder at all. If I’m in a squeeze I might grab a quick smoothie or just protein powder with milk but generally this is very rare. I just prefer getting my protein from meat or pulses etc. in food rather than powder. I’m not a big smoothie fan anyway so this is probably why! The recipes look great though – probably the best way to consume protein powders in my opinon!
Thanks Anna, these are a good way to use the powders for non smoothie fans!
OMG – these look delish. I need to whip up a batch of tasty bites too, perfect protein afternoon snacks!
These look totally fab!! May have to give the cookie dough fudge a go – love how easy it is! And thanks for the mention lovely <3
I agree that protein powders shouldn't replace real food, however I find it great in snacks and desserts for adding to the protein you eat at meals as it keeps me fuller for longer so I don't eat so much in between meals! Also the added benefit of it helping fat loss and muscle growth is a bonus for me too :) Like you say, everyone is different and I personally function really well on a high protein diet with an equal amount of fats and carbs alongside that :)
My pleasure! Totally agree with you re the protein thing, I’m just starting to get a handle on the right balance of protein for my body and powders really help me achieve that, especially while I’m trying to lose weight.
I have been trying to eat more protein lately to keep my energy levels more stable. That protein fudge looks like a great afternoon booster! I have been making sure I get protein from lots of different sources like eggs, beans, nuts, hemp etc but it can sometimes be tricky as a veggie!
It can be hard as a veggie, I think especially as beans have so much carbs within them too. I used to eat lots of tofu when I was a veggie, so delicious!
These look very good. I keep trying protein powder as I don’t think I eat a great deal, but I never get on that well with them. I think I have pulsin pea protein so I should really give baking with it a go. I think I put some in pancakes and that was OK.
I think protein powders are love or hate really, baking with them is a good way to use them though as you say :-)
These are going on my “to make” list – they both look so good! x
Thanks Lily, hope you enjoy them!
Must make tonight!!! Yum yum yum!
Let me know what you think!
This is just what I was after this week! I’m experimenting with brown rice protein and wanted to use it in a quick recipe like these – and I have an abundance of mixed nuts in the house which need using!