I don’t think I’ve met a women recently who wouldn’t describe themselves as busy. We all lead very full lives meeting our obligations and taking care of people we love. However, that busy life filled with meeting everyone else’s needs often leads to your own needs falling to the bottom of the list. This can lead to burnout and resentment and ultimately not enjoying life as much as you could!
Something I’ve found personally is that despite being a self professed self care queen, it’s incredibly easy to let the small everyday acts of self care drop when life gets a bit crazy. It’s these small regular things that actually have the biggest impact and that make your daily life more joy-filled. Having a go-to list like this one means you won’t have to spend any time thinking of what to do when the time is available, you can just get stuck right in!
I’m sure I’ve said this before, but one thing that has stuck with me is hearing someone say ‘if you don’t have 10 minutes you don’t have a life’. However, when you are really busy it can feel impossible to find that 10 minutes!
When it comes to finding time personally the most impactful change I’ve made is stopping Pointless Scrolling (PS). Do you realise how long you spend aimlessly scrolling your Facebook and Instagram feeds? Quitting the PS might just be the thing that frees up your 10 minutes! Believe me you won’t be missing anything that important.
Now that you’ve found your 10 minute window it’s time to create some simple acts of self care that will have a big impact. Remember this is just my list of ideas, really think about the activities that bring you joy and fill you up and create your own pick and mix list. Save it somewhere you can access it easily and quickly, like your planner, journal or phone.
1. Make yourself a warm drink and read a chapter of a book
Very Hygge and blissful! Bonus points if the book is especially uplifting.
2. Listen to some of your favourite music
Try creating a playlist that lasts around 10 minutes of some of your favourite music. Music is simple but can radically transform your mood especially if you dance to it! This is my current Spotify Playlist:
3. Do a brain dump / journal
This is something that always helps me immensely when I have a lot going on. I process things by writing them down and I find it really helpful to form a plan of action. Just sitting down for 10 minutes and letting everything flow out through the pen can really help clear your head and make you feel better.
4. Try EFT
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is the process of tapping on certain points on the body (think of how acupuncture works with energy, tapping is similar) to help shift suck emotions and energy. I personally prefer to follow along with someone on YouTube like the incredibly cheesy but awesome Brad Yates. Even if you don’t believe in the woo of it, it can be incredibly relaxing.
5. Get outside
I find being outside in nature incredibly enjoyable and like a big reset for my system. Just a brisk 10 minute walk makes me feel better!
6. Moisturise your body all over
My skincare routine is pretty good but I always seem to slack when it comes to moisturising my whole body as well as my face. Using a body oil or even plain coconut oil and giving yourself a massage while you’re at it can feel amazing.
7. Do something creative
This could be 10 minutes of knitting, an adult colouring in book or just doodling in a note pad. If you enjoy taking photos perhaps you could turn your own Instagram feed into a creative project or use an app like Word Swag to illustrate your favourite quotes.
8. Use scent to change your mood
Essential oils are very powerful natural elements that can have a positive impact on your wellbeing. Try adding a few drops to a diffuser and sitting quietly for a few minutes to enjoy the scent, or even just taking a few deep breaths from the bottle. My favourite oils for this kind of self care are lemon which is rejuvenating, lavender which is relaxing and a DoTerra blend called Serenity which is calming. I exclusively use DoTerra oils, find out more here.
9. Go out and get yourself a coffee or tea
This might just be me but it feels so indulgent to go out and get myself a coffee. Even if I don’t sit in the coffee shop to drink it, it feels like a real treat. I have a coffee shop that’s close by so it’s 10 minutes well spent to just pop out and get one occasionally. This works for me because I really enjoy good coffee, but if you’re not a coffee fan like me just think about what would give you pure pleasure. It’s probably best to stay away from something that’s expensive or too based on food and eating as that can be a basis for less healthy habits, but something like buying yourself a cheap but lovely bunch of fresh flowers would be fab too.
10. Throw something out or organise something
This might seem like a strange one but decluttering and / or getting stuff organised can feel really good. The benefits are a tidier and less cluttered home and a better sense of peace. I’ll often rearrange shelves on my bookcase or get to work on a drawer or cupboard that needs sorting out.
Bonus ideas: meditate using an phone app like Headspace, make a green smoothie, take a shower, stretch, do yoga, cuddle your partner or kids.
So many of us are losing our connection with the simple things that bring us joy and bliss on a regular basis. Try creating your own 10 minute self care pick and mix list which focuses on the things that make you happy and feel filled up, then try to do a few of those things each week. I promise you it will have an amazing effect on your wellbeing!
Want a handy fillable pdf worksheet of this process plus a list of 50 self care ideas? Pop your email below to get it!
Do you struggle to fit in more soul nurturing forms of self care on a regular basis? What would make your pick and mix list of 10 minute self care ideas?
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Love all of these ideas. I find just getting away from what I’m doing the best 10 minute self care so walking to get a coffee or just a quick walk if I don’t want to spend money or if its later in the day. Organising something is great too as I find it oddly relaxing and its still productive, anything that lets my mind switch off from whatever was stressing me out or bothering me seems to work as there’s definitely not always time for an hour long yoga class or a long bath! x
I’m just the same with organising!
Great ideas! Nothing chills me out more than reading a book with a hot chocolate in an evening :-)
You know I don’t think I can remember the last time I did that on a evening, one to add to my list!
Some great ideas- often the self care things take much longer (a nice bath or a long walk) but you are right, you can fit something fairly quick in and feel much better.
Sometimes 10 minutes just does the trick!
I really need this right now. I have been neglecting self care like crazy recently, even though I’m always going on about it. The danger is the more I neglect it the harder it is to do anything and I end up a burnt out grump. 10 minutes is a perfect amount of time for when something like half an hour of yoga seems too daunting
I’m thinking of making a list of things (using what you’ve written as a starting point) and making sure I do at least a couple everyday.
Thanks for the inspiration.
My absolute pleasure, so glad that this post has been helpful! xxx