5 Things February
I know we still have a week of February to go, and honestly I’m struggling to stay present and not just wish the entire month over! The motivation I had in January has most definitely waned and February has felt more like a slog. However I’m trying to remind myself that it is still winter here and it’s ok not to expect too much from myself. In fact as I write this it’s the most grey and wet day outside and I’m coming down with another cold, so I’m trying to get my Hygge on to counteract it!
But, as is often the case with me, when things don’t flow as much as I’d like I’m usually being given the internal mindset work upgrades to get through, which leads me on to…
#1 I’m going through some huge shifts
I had a bit of a moment earlier in the month which basically led to me facing up to a few things – mainly money and presence. At first I didn’t think these two were related but oh my can I now see how they are! I ended up reading a book I’d read before – Genevieve Davis’s ebook Becoming Rich and then from there flowing on to another book – Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now – and basically my mind has been blown wide open. I know from the past that when I have these huge internal shifts it’s not often an easy ride but it’s always worth it.
From this I’m really starting to see where the spirituality and woo woo meet with the more practical mindset stuff – I’m going to hop on Facebook Live on my page this Wednesday evening at 7.30pm UK time to talk more about this and my personal experiences, hope you can join me!
#2 We’ve made a big decision about Finley’s schooling
Last month Finley’s nursery staff has told us they were a bit concerned about his speech in readiness for him starting school in September. I had a meeting with them and discovered that as a summer born child we could defer his start at school to the following year. Finley’s a late August born child and was born 5 week premature (some of you will also remember he had a very serious heart defect and had open heart surgery as well), and while we don’t actually feel he’s behind in anyway, there’s enough research out there about how some summer born children struggle that we’ve made the decision to have him start reception in 2019 instead of 2018. That decision has a bunch of consequences, financially because it’s another year of nursery fees, for my business because I still choose to work part time to spend a day with him etc. But we know it’s the right choice for him and us, definitely feeling it out with my gut on this one!
#3 I’m writing a new book!
I think I might have mentioned this in one of my email newsletters but I’m really excited to be writing a book! This one isn’t a recipe book thank heavens because I’m feeling very creatively dry when it comes to recipes, but rather this one is all about balance!
I’m even more chuffed because this book will be on sale in places like Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters and having one of my books for sale in those places has been a secret dream of mine for a while. So chuffed!
#4 I’ve started a mass declutter
I know we aren’t into spring just yet, but in anticipation I’ve started a mass declutter. So far I’ve done the bathroom (and all my beauty products) wardrobe and bedroom, Fins wardrobe (leaving his toys for James to tackle!), my desk area and some of the utility room. Moving on to the kitchen next and finally the conservatory which is currently serving as the dumping ground! It’s quite amazing how much better I feel with less stuff, the trick now is going to not allow things to build up again once I’ve finished it all!
#5 I have a 40 year old husband now
It was James 40th this month and we celebrated with a family day and a trip to London just the two of us. It reminded me of time we spent before we had Finley and was just really lovely to have that time together.
How has February been for you so far? What’s one thing you’ve experienced this month?