Mindfulness v Management

A lot has been written about intuitive eating, sometimes also thought of as mindfulness. It seems to be the holy grail in terms of having a healthy relationship with food. The ability to just eat what your body wants, when it wants, but yet maintain a healthy body and...

Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #16

Happy Easter Sunday! Hope you are all having a great day so far and don’t have too much of a chocolate coma. I do love the long Easter weekend and James and I have been trying to make the most of it. Yesterday we had a little trip to Newcastle and enjoyed breakfast...

16 Weeks Pregnant: Pregnancy Books

I’m pretty sure I’ve been feeling the baby move this week! It’s very gentle movements, in fact I can feel them now as I write, and to be honest it could just be my digestion, but I do have a feeling it’s movement! It feels like little nudges in my lower abdomen and...

Keeping motivated: tips and tricks

No matter how much you love health and fitness, sometimes you are going to hit a sticky point. Life happens: we get stressed at work, our boiler breaks, we have an argument with our partner, heck sometimes we just need that slice of chocolate cake. Maybe it’s not...

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