Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #16

Happy Easter Sunday! Hope you are all having a great day so far and don’t have too much of a chocolate coma. I do love the long Easter weekend and James and I have been trying to make the most of it. Yesterday we had a little trip to Newcastle and enjoyed breakfast...

16 Weeks Pregnant: Pregnancy Books

I’m pretty sure I’ve been feeling the baby move this week! It’s very gentle movements, in fact I can feel them now as I write, and to be honest it could just be my digestion, but I do have a feeling it’s movement! It feels like little nudges in my lower abdomen and...

Keeping motivated: tips and tricks

No matter how much you love health and fitness, sometimes you are going to hit a sticky point. Life happens: we get stressed at work, our boiler breaks, we have an argument with our partner, heck sometimes we just need that slice of chocolate cake. Maybe it’s not...
Carrot cupcakes with cream cheese icing

Carrot cupcakes with cream cheese icing

With Easter just round the corner I wanted to make something that was a bit of a treat! A couple of years ago I made some apple and cinnamon hot cross buns which where gorgeous, as well as a lazy courgette and pesto tart and chocolate cupcakes. James loves carrot...

The time is now

 How often do you find yourself putting things off? ‘When that party and that holiday are over with, then I’ll be able to focus on my health’ ‘I’m feeling so stressed right now, I just don’t have time to think about healthy eating and doing any...

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