Self Care

My Self Care Routines and Rituals

My Self Care Routines and Rituals

Self care is one of those terms that's in danger of becoming so overused it becomes meaningless. I do love that it's on women's radars now, but for some, it's easy to become just another stick you beat yourself with when you don't get to practise self care in the way...

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Little Old Me: why I’ll never go back

Little Old Me: why I’ll never go back

I stumbled upon this picture in some old files on my computer the other day. It was like being punched in the stomach when I saw it. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and this one really is. A flood of memories came back of the day that was taken. I was...

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How to Workout with a Busy Lifestyle

How to Workout with a Busy Lifestyle

Today I'm delighted to welcome Dr Laura Cutress of LC-Personal Training (our resident PT for The Balance Club) to the blog to share her wisdom when it comes to working out with a busy lifestyle. This is something that's been directly affecting me recently, but...

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Trendy diets on blast

Trendy diets on blast

Hey everyone! Today I'd like to share a really insightful post with you from my good friend Laura Thomas Phd. With a PhD in Nutritional Science she knows her stuff, and like me she's totally no B*S which I LOVE. She's also going to be one of the first guest experts in...

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