Self Care

On feeling the negatives

On feeling the negatives

I apologise in advance if this post comes off as a bit of a moan - although let's be honest, it basically is one giant rant so do forgive the self indulgence of this! However I have a feeling that some of these things will also strike a cord with you, in...

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How to avoid burning out

How to avoid burning out

As a woman in her 30s who's a mother and a business owner I think it's fair to say my life feels very full most of the time. Looking back to when Finley was born, his health issues, breastfeeding, extreme sleep deprivation that went on for over two years,...

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How to get your workout mojo back

How to get your workout mojo back

When I look back over 2016 and think about my wellbeing, the big missing part of the picture was exercise. After years of being a gym bunny and running 3 half marathons my workout mojo had completely left me. Even when I was pregnant I was going to the gym (I worked...

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Hygge Essentials for the Winter

Hygge Essentials for the Winter

Whilst I love the very start of a brand new year, I have to say that the rest of January kinda sucks. I'm not a fan of the British grey, cold and damp weather that usually extends right into February and whilst the days are getting lighter it often doesn't feel that...

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