July Edit

July Edit

As usual, it’s almost the end of the month and time to share some of my favourite things from this month! 1. PurePharma 3 – The Complete Package* – I love PurePharma’s approach to supplementation and their complete package which includes daily sachets of...
Being a Mama: Finley at 11 months

Being a Mama: Finley at 11 months

People aren’t kidding when they say time flies past even faster once you have kids. How have I got an 11 month old already! He’s been so awesome this last month, he started crawling almost as soon as I posted his last update and he’s pulling himself up on furniture...
Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #81: parkrun!

Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #81: parkrun!

Is there anything better than strawberries and cream at this time of year? I indulged last Sunday while watching the Wimbledon final! I hope you’ve all had a good week. Mine has improved as the week went on, as I said I somehow hurt my ribs because of coughing (!) and...

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