Running Sucks

Running Sucks

I really fucking hate running. There, I said it.  It’s just so hard, and to quote one of my Fabulous YOU ladies, I’m as slow as a turtle running through peanut butter. Every single step feels laboured and there’s very little about the experience to enjoy. It...
May Round Up + June Goals

May Round Up + June Goals

May has just been a crazy month! I feel like I’ve hardly stopped, despite the bank holidays and our trip to Brighton I haven’t really slowed down that much. This last week has been spent living between home and my parents while we’ve been getting a new bathroom...
Finley at 9 months

Finley at 9 months

Holy shit I have a 9 month old! How the heck did that even happen?  He’s such a little dude isn’t he? Here’s a quick run down of what’s been happening this last month… Feeding We are continuing to combi feed with breastfeeding whenever he’s with me and then...

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