A letter to my body

Dear body, I know we haven’t had the best relationship in the past. Quite frankly I know I’ve been a total bitch to you. I used to hate you so much, but now that I understand you, and why you’ve acted the way you have done, I want to say how sorry I...

Durham Lumiere and some eats

As I was saying in Friday’s post, on Thursday evening we went to the amazing Durham Lumiere Festival. I think it’s fair to say that as much as I love Durham, the city we’ve made home, not a great deal goes on in the city. We have the Cathedral (which was used in...
Sleep Cycles and Dreams

Sleep Cycles and Dreams

Have you ever wondered what happens to your body when you sleep? I’m really passionate about how important sleep is for every body’s wellbeing, too often is it sacrificed for other things far less important! You can find the free e guide I wrote on sleep here,...

Hooked on Graze snacks and feeling good

That would be an aquarium in a phone box! Last night James, my parents and I went to Durham Lumiere. It was incredible – but more on that later in the weekend! This has been such a good week for me. I’ve been feeling so upbeat it’s almost weird! I think part of...

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