September Monthly Pledge: Prioritise


September Monthly Pledge: Prioritise


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Happy September! I am so excited about the start of this month, I love the autumn and I can’t wait for the leaves to start turning. Obviously August has been a crazy month, I’m only just getting my head around having a baby already! Before Fin was born I pledged to be social and I did achieve that with some lovely meals out and parties with family and friends. I also tweaked the design of the blog which I hope you all like!

Here on the blog I shared recipes for:

Curried chickpea freekeh salad 10

My other fave posts from this month include:

Baby finley hospital


Peaches and green smoothie

As much as I could sit here and list all the things I want to do in September the overwhelming thing I need to pledge myself to do this month is prioritise and accept I can’t do it all. With Fin’s surprise birth it has left me on the back foot with several projects and areas of work uncompleted. There’s also the natural urge to exercise and eat well after pregnancy and start to work on that baby weight. Combine all of that with every day tasks and then actually bringing up a new born baby and it’s just not going to happen! I can do my best and I think the only way I can do that is to prioritise. Just taking the time to write this post is quite indulgent right now, however I wanted to do this as it helps me get my head straight.

With regards to healthy eating and exercise I’m planning on walking whenever we can and starting some abdominal exercises ready for more exercise come October. For food that one is going to be tricky! I’ve already struggled to cook meals before Fin has needed to feed, and I need to find a balance of eating the right stuff and actually eating enough. I’m drinking lots of water to keep my breast milk supply up too. I’m going to order some Illumi meals* to help out and I would like to start really getting back into doing a Sunday Cook Up and using my slow cooker. Before I gave birth I had started pulling together my post birth pamper kit, and I’ll try and post a bit more about that because I’m currently finding it extremely helpful in making me feel like me!

With other work it is just a process of prioritising and doing what I can. The blog is also so important to me, so I do hope to keep posting when I can because I enjoy it and actually I really need this space to get my thoughts out! I did start to pull together some wonderful interviews and guest posts so watch this space for those starting this week.

Of course, my biggest most important and fulfilling priority is enjoying every second of my baby boy! Nothing else comes above that :-)

How was August for you? Do you have any things you’d like to focus on for September?

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  1. Zoe

    I’ve recently started a new healthy eating regime which is making me feel great! However, on Friday I am going on holiday to an all inclusive hotel for two weeks. This is a bit of a danger zone with me and all that food! So my goal is to have a lovely relaxing holiday, swim each day and at meal times make sure at least half my plate is filled with veggies/salad. It’s a start!

    Wishing you a lovely September with baby Fin! I hope that you don’t feel pressure to update the blog at the moment, I’m sure your readers would understand if you needed to step back a bit. (I hope that isn’t patronising!)

  2. Bron

    I’m planning on trying to go sugar-free (or at least sugar reduced!) for September! I am also making a real effort this month to get in as much exercise as possible – I’ve been finding it difficult to fit in with full time teaching/a toddler/study etc but I feel so much better mentally and physically when I do so I need to make the time!

    Be kind to yourself over the next few months! I was so keen to be the productive person I always was and get back into exercise and things after C was born but having a newborn is overwhelming and now I look back and really wished that I stressed less and just soaked up the moment – a lesson to be learnt for number two ;-)

  3. Tamzin

    August was good but kind if unproductive work wise so I am focusing on being more organised as well as doing the Blog-tember challenge : )

  4. Kezia

    Great plan Laura! Sounds like you have your prioritises right and getting some meals ordered sound like a plan, plus i know lots of new mums that did no formal excercise other than walk and they looked great – pushing prams and carrying babies is tiring stuff – plus all that lifting/cuddling will mean you have arms and abs of steel (once they comes back together!):)
    You are doing great – keep being you and enjoying this awesome, if slightly tiring , season! xxxxx

  5. Karina

    As a new nursing mum the weight will fall of you(bf burns 500 cals aday) naturally, trust us! Glad to hear who’s priory, Laura(haha:).


  6. Lara

    September for me is all about eating healthy & keeping up the exercise. As well as getting the boys settled into their new year at school … snr has a whole week away with his class the week after he goes back as well as hubby going to boston so jnr & I need to do some special things together, its not often I get one on on time with them – I want to enjoy it and make it memorable xx

  7. Claire Hayhurst

    September for me is about going with the flow and dealing with all the not so pleasant things I have coming up (job interviews for the other half, both parents having operations, Harry-Dog probably leaving us).
    Hope you’re having a wonderful time with Fin :) Getting meals ordered sounds like a good idea, I remember hearing how wives in military communities cook for new mums for the first month or so, which makes total sense to me!

  8. Nicky

    Sounds like a good plan Laura, I can’t imagine how much a baby changes your life and how frustrating it must be to not be able to do everything all at once anymore but sounds like you have your priorities just right! Your body has been through a lot, you have a little one who needs you care all the time, you can only do what you can do :) Walking sounds perfect..taking Fin on walks awhh :) And ordering meals sounds like such a good idea! I was sent some meals from Soulmatefood and my god, it’s so weird to have everything be all ready for me already but so nice in a way too!

    August for me was really quite nice..lots of exciting plans ahead for business and really can’t complain at life right now! For September it really is just a matter of continuing with these plans but also working on de-stressing. Still need to do a ‘me’ day like you suggested and I had a sports massage lately and was so incredibly tight from yeah, more of those too :)

  9. lilylipstick

    Sounds like a great plan for the month – I can’t even imagine how much a newborn babies changes things! My plans for September are to keep up my good summer vibes, the weather really affects my mood but I’m going to try my best not to let the shorter days get me down! x

  10. Maria @ runningcupcake

    I think getting some meals delivered is a great idea- you need to be looking after yourself and Finley and not worrying about being in the kitchen all day.
    I love September- I am really excited about work as I have taken on a new role which officially started on the 1st, and teaching Reception, so it is their first proper year of school- very exciting! So I need to focus on getting up to seed with everything.
    I think the weather is lovely too, for nice walks but it is not too hot- that lovely crisp air is perfect

  11. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Ahh great pledge! Definitely take the time to soak everything in, making beautiful memories and really savouring this wonderful time!
    I just hope I have a September that is full of being healthy and not injured!!! Just once during this year would be great ;-)

  12. Lauren (@PoweredbyPB)

    I have no idea where August went, thankfully as we were homeless for the entire month it flew by! We have just moved into our new home so September for me is going to be heavily home focused, with lots of cleaning and diy!


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