10 ways to be healthier and happier in 2014

You still feeling the New Year buzz? I’m starting to settle in more now, I feel so much better for getting back to my usual healthy ways. That made me think about some of the things that I feel have made a difference for me when it comes to being healthy and happy....

Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #1

Well the New Year is as good an excuse as any to make a few changes! Rather than posting my usual weekly wrap up style posts on a Friday, I’m going to try blogging them on a Sunday under the heading of Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link. I think It would be nice to get...

Seeing in 2014

image credit Blimey, Christmas and New Year feels like it was so long ago now! Anyone else feeling back into the swing of things? I don’t mind so much, I like my routine and find it much easier to eat well and exercise when things get back to normal.  I did have...

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