How to throw a healthy Halloween party

I LOVE Halloween. It is one of my favourite ‘holidays’ of the year. I have some wonderful memories from when I was a child as my sister and I would put my Mam’s green eyeshadow (it was the 80’s!) on our faces, a black bin liner on as a dress...

Turning boulders into stepping stones

Happy Friday! I hope you have all had a great week. I took the above photograph when I popped out for a walk yesterday. I realised that I can pretty much stay sat at my desk from 6.30 – sometime in the evening when I work from home on a Thursday and I really...

Healthy snacks to take to work

As organised as I am, one area that I still struggle with from time to time is remembering to prepare decent snacks to take to work. Failure to have something healthy and tasty on hand opens up the possibility of a 3pm raid of the corner shop for a chocolate bar!...

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