Defining my style

Defining my style

It’s been a long time since I blogged about style other than posting one of my wears for the week in my usual Sunday posts. I love clothes and shopping, but I wouldn’t call myself ‘fashionable’. I rarely follow trends as I feel like I know my own style, but it took...
How to recover from stress

How to recover from stress

We all know how bad stress is for us, but let’s get real here, sometimes stress is impossible to avoid no matter how much meditation you do! Obviously for me, this has really hit home while we’ve been dealing with Finley’s health problems. The day he went into surgery...
Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #45

Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #45

Happy Sunday! Hope you are having a brilliant weekend so far. I’ve had a lovely week with Finley being home and James being off, it’s like the paternity leave he never quite managed to have he first time round with us being in hospital so much! We went shopping which...
Our heart baby is home!

Our heart baby is home!

4 days after open heart surgery! If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram you will have seen that Finley had his open heart surgery last week. We were admitted to the Children’s Heart Unit at the Freeman Hospital on Sunday evening and Finley’s surgery took...

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