Sprouted Wholemeal Berry Muffins

Sprouted Wholemeal Berry Muffins

There’s a couple of different coffee shops near where we live, a Costa that serves shitty coffee and the Muffin Break that actually serves coffee that doesn’t taste like ass. Naturally we therefore visit the Muffin Break fairly often when I need a major coffee hit,...


Anyone else feel like this month has flown? August is always a busy one for me as I’ll soon describe, but even for me it’s gone in the blink of an eye. It’s been a very social month for me with my birthday, Finley’s birthday, our wedding anniversary and my Mam’s...
What counts as exercise?

What counts as exercise?

What counts as exercise is a question that often crops up when I talk about how often to be physically active. What counts as exercise? What doesn’t? What’s just getting on with daily life, what can be classed as a workout, and does it even matter? I...

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