Welcome Baby Finley!

Welcome Baby Finley!

You might have already seen on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram we had a rather big surprise this weekend with the unexpected early arrival of baby Finley John. It’s been a crazy couple of days but we are both fine. He was born on Saturday at 6.51pm weighing 5lb...
A day in the life #5

A day in the life #5

Time for another day in the life post! This was what I got up to last Thursday which was a quiet working at home day. As it happens I was glad of not having to go anyway as I was feeling a little under the weather. I started the day with some lemon, ginger and honey...
My top affordable superfoods

My top affordable superfoods

I love a good superfood. The idea that I’m eating something with almost magical properties, which is often how these things are touted, is enticing and alluring. However, I don’t always know how much is hype, good marketing or actual facts, so I’m a lot more wary of...

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